Business Source Complete
A scholarly business database providing indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals, dating back as far as 1886.
Update Fall 2024 - the main link now takes you to the New EBSCOhost interface.
Here is the link to the older business-specific interface
Contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports in the field of psychology.
PsycINFO through EBSCO is integrated in OneSearch, along with APA PsycArticles and many other psychology-related resources.
Note: UPEI students, faculty, and staff are eligible through the main EBSCO subscription to PsycINFO to also access the PsycINFO Research Service at including the features listed below. To use it, go to the site and sign up for an individual account, providing your UPEI email address. Use the EBSCO access for actually searching the PsycINFO database itself.
According to the APA contact, the PsycInfo research service on APA's platform provides access to the following:
A free subscription-based research notification service Access to APA PsycInfo (journal articles, books, dissertations), pre-publications, conference information, and PubMed data Explore Journal Feature Topic Mapper Author Mapper and Author Info Pages Citation Mapper Analyze and Filter Feature Access to browse functionality for journals, books, and dissertation capabilities Various tools to export, email, print, and share If you have any questions about APA products on either the EBSCO or APA platforms, contact the psychology librarian, Melissa Belvadi
Business Insights: Global
Gale Business Insights: Global provides students and researchers with the broad yet detailed coverage of international business they need to develop into savvy professionals that can compete and succeed working across the countries and cultures of the world. Gale Business Insights: Global is the most convenient and comprehensive way to access timely case studies, full-text articles, and robust data sets coupled with authoritative references and tools for analysis. This unique resource empowers users to not only research topics but also to interpret their research. Deep business intelligence powered by statistical data lets researchers spend less time searching and more time connecting their discoveries to practical applications.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs
Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) Complete; despite its name, it encompasses all subject areas, with Canadian focus, and peer-reviewed as well as popular magazine and news sources.
Proquest's Guide to CBCA (note the tabs along the top for different parts of the guide)
Academic Collection Complete (Proquest)
Search/browse the UPEI Proquest Ebook Central e-book collection of over 250,000 books. Also discoverable in Publication Finder (for specific titles) and OneSearch.
Academic Search Complete
A multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 8,500 periodicals, including full text for over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Academic Videos Online (Proquest)
Over 60,000 academic videos.
The AVON database and videos are accessible through both the Alexander Street Press (ASP) platform and the Proquest Research platform.
The Proquest platform (the primary link) provides much better search capabilities, so that is the primary link we provide here.
Direct links to individual videos via OneSearch and Publication Finder will go to the ASP platform, as that platform has better features for making clips and persistent links to a specific time within the video.
Alexander Street Press Platform links:
Blackwell Synergy -- See Wiley Online
Wiley Online is a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Business Plans Handbook
Actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Presents sample plans taken from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries which serve as examples of how to approach, structure and compose business plans.
This is actually a series of volumes, not a single book. The library has access to the series from 1993 - 2015.
CAB Abstracts (via EBSCOhost)
Covers the significant research and development literature in applied life sciences, including agriculture, the environment, human nutrition, applied economics, leisure/tourism, and veterinary medicine.
Canadian Labour Studies Index
The Labour Studies Index offers over 6534 citations of journal articles, books, book chapters, theses, and other literature relating to Canadian labour issues, as of May 2016, and continuing to grow.
While the Index emphasizes open access publications, they also have indexed a number of recent books (including publisher descriptions), journal articles, and reports.
Scope of the Index (as of May 2016)
Open access is a key criterion for what is included in the Index. The following three scholarly journals are indexed comprehensively: Labour/Le Travail (1976-, open access except for the current year), Just Labour. A Canadian Journal of Work and Society (2002-2014, open access), and Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations (1945- , open access since 1964 except for the current two years). Work has been completed on the first two journals, while the latter is still in the process of being indexed. Just Labour , published by York University’s Centre for Work and Society, appears to have been indexed previously only by Google Scholar.
All other publications or resources are indexed selectively with priority given to recency (i.e., since 2000). They include research (e.g., theses, dissertations) in institutional repositories, Canadian university presses (e.g., Athabasca), Canadian publishers (e.g., Fernwood), commercial academic publishers, commissioned reports (e.g., Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), and reviews.
CANSIM - Canadian Socio-Economic Information (via CHASS)
Part of the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) program of statistical tools from Statistics Canada, the Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM) is Statistics Canada's key socioeconomic database comprised of over 40 million time series and thousands of tables. CANSIM @ CHASS is updated daily via a direct data feed from Statistics Canada.
CANSIM can be used to:
Track trends Analyze market potential Study economic activity Make investment decisions Evaluate social conditions Conduct feasibility studies Forecast economic conditions Plan programs or services Profile demographics CANSIM @ CHASS features:
Search by text, table number or time series number Browse by subject, survey number, table titles and labels or by Statistics Canada's keywords classification for tables Various download formats Historical versions of CANSIM (available only at CHASS) Bilingual
CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB)
Provides to up-to-date information on the changes to the accounting and assurance standards (formerly the CICA Standards and Guidance Collection) and the new Canadian Auditing Standards.
DOAJ : Directory of Open Access Journals
A service that provides access to quality controlled scientific and scholarly Open Access Journals.
EconLit with Full Text (EBSCOhost)
Foremost source of references to economic literature. Provides indexing and abstracting of 450+ international economic periodicals, books & papers.
EconPapers (part of RePEc)
Part of RePEc , EconPapers provides access to Research Papers in Economics, the worlds largest collection of online Economics working papers, journal articles, and software.
Eureka (formerly Newscan)
Covers over 5,000 news sources, including newspapers & news wires. Full text to PEI newspapers The Guardian (1997-) and The Journal Pioneer (1999-).
Please note that we have a 10-simultaneous user limit, but the library can coordinate with the vendor to open that up for training days, so instructors who want to offer group hands-on training should contact one of the librarians to make those arrangements.
Gale In Context: Global Issues
Analyze important global issues and events through topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content.
Not a pro and con database, Global Issues in Context ties together sources to present a rich analysis of issues - social, political, military, economic, environmental, science related, health related, cultural - and headlines in world hot spots. It provides information seekers with a framework to better understand 21st-century issues and events while highlighting global connections and the interdependence of all nations.
Global Issues in Context focuses on broad issues, such as war, genocide, terrorism, human rights, poverty, famine, globalization, world trade, nuclear proliferation, and global warming, as well as more specific events and topics in the news that are related to these broader issues. It also includes detailed information on nations to provide a foundation for cross-cultural studies and, International periodicals and news sources that bring additional insight and currency.
Global Issues in Context includes a variety of sources and media formats:
Overviews summarizing background information, historical context, and contemporary stances Expert perspectives analyzing an issue or event through multiple aspects Reference documents providing background information on all issues and nations Full-text international magazines, academic journals, and news sources Primary sources Statistics, including interactive graphs, tables, and charts Multimedia elements Links to Web sites, including government sites and organizations Global Issues in Context also features tools such as a curriculum standards search, Lexiles reading scores for periodicals, a translation feature, research tools and guide, a link to Discovery Education's streaming, a vast digital media library, for customers who subscribe to streaming, and more!
(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)
Gale OneFile: Business
A comprehensive business resource for the undergraduate researcher seeking company news, the public library patron making personal investment decisions, or the high school student looking to major in business administration, it provides full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications, updated daily. Complementing these titles is a selection of international, U.S., and regional news publications.
(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)
Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media
Brings together information found in more than 400 journals. Nearly 3 million articles on all aspects of the communications field, including advertising, public relations, linguistics, and literature, meet the needs of researchers. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink , and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)
Gale OneFile: Computer Science
Provides access to leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries. The database includes more than 600 journals and periodicals, providing information on computer-related product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)
Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism
Provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. The database offers current and relevant content that provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries. The curious traveler will also find a wealth of information, from contents on state parks and information on planning a vacation to full-text travel guides from Fodor's.
(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)
Information about international economies, industries, and emerging markets.
Description from website:
Created by the International Business Center and the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University (IBC), globalEDGEâ„¢ is a knowledge web-portal that connects international business professionals worldwide to a wealth of information, insights, and learning resources on global business activities.
Globe & Mail: Canada's Heritage 1844-2019
Provides the online digitized full-image version of the complete works of the Globe and Mail newspaper from its inception until 2019.
Proquest's guide to using the historical newspapers database , including this one - note the tabs along the top for different sections of the guide
Looking for more recent Globe & Mail issues?
We have various date ranges in various formats, from plain text to PDFs.
See all of our holdings for the Globe & Mail.
Google Dataset Search
Across the web, there are millions of datasets about nearly any subject. Dataset Search has indexed almost 25 million of these datasets, giving you a single place to search for datasets and find links to where the data is.
More links to free datasets
Contains citations to research articles from over 13,500 scholarly & popular journals. Coverage includes the humanities, social sciences & science.
Provides access to archival issues of over 4,500 scholarly journals across most academic disciplines. Includes primary source materials.
The collections are the following: Arts & Sciences I to XV, Business IV, Hebrew Journals, Ireland, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Public Health, Security Studies, Sustainability, Global Plants, Struggles for Freedom in Southern Africa, World Heritage Sites: Africa, and 19th Century British Pamphlets.
JSTOR also now includes over a half-million images from the ArtStor "public collection ", described as "images, videos, documents, and audio files from museums, archives, libraries, and faculty collections". Eventually all 1.3 million images currently accessible on the ArtStor platform will also be on the JSTOR platform.
Authentication note: If you create your own personal account within the UPEI institutional account, you can access everything UPEI has licensed by logging into that account directly from on or off campus without going through our proxy server. That is good for 365 days and can be easily renewed.
Faculty: If you want an entire class to have their own accounts, you can provide with a list of student email addresses, and we can upload them all in a batch - students will get email invites that they need to accept, but it makes the process much easier, if you want to use the collaborative research tools in the "JSTOR Workspace ".
Statistical data by country. Site encourages you to create a free login but you don't need to do that to access the data - just use the Data or Infographics menus at the top of the home page.
New York Times
This link goes to the public version of the New York Times. Robertson Library does not have a paid license to this site.
The Library does have full text access to recent NYT issues via the Gale databases (1985 - present, may be delayed by one business day).
The free Archives search offers 1851-present. Full text may be available on this site from 1851-1922 but access to full articles may be blocked by an account requirement. Library staff can help you place Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests for any articles you need.
Robertson Library also has the NY Times on microfilm from 1923-1986. Ask library staff for assistance.
O'Reilly Online Learning
This subscription package to over 35,000 ebooks and 6,000 videos includes primarily computer science, but with many engineering and business books too. It also includes hundreds of interactive tutorials and an AI-like "answers" feature for technical questions.
Technical access issues:
You will need to use UPEI's login system to use these books even if you are on campus.
The first time you use it, you will see a popup that mentions sending you an email, but that's doesn't apply to us and you won't get any email.
You should only have to do this sequence once per computer/web browser.
We recommend using any browser OTHER THAN Chrome, because Chrome does not render many mathematical equations properly.
If you copy a URL in this product to make persistent link (for example, to a chapter), you need to use this link conversion tool so that link will work properly later (otherwise it won't).
If you are ever starting with a link into this product that insists on getting your email address first, use that same link conversion tool (in a browser other than Chrome) and retry with the modified link.
The "mobile app" provided by the platform for offline reading will not work with UPEI's login authentication system. You should however find that the normal web platform is acceptably "responsive" to small screens like smartphones.
Oxford Academic
Oxford journals (about 240) and ebooks purchased from Oxford. This does NOT include the Oxford English Dictionary which is on its own platform.
PEI Daily Newspapers
Provides the full text of The Guardian (May, 1997- ) and The Journal-Pioneer (April, 1999- )
SAGE Premier Collection
Full text of over 600 journals published by SAGE in the fields of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology, and Medicine.
SAGE Research Methods Video: Practical Research and Academic Skills
This collection of over 450 streaming videos on the SAGE Research Methods platform offers support on the practical skills that you need to successfully complete your research. Key areas such as writing a research proposal, planning and designing a research project, and securing ethical approval are explicitly covered. Practical skills such as project management, writing for publication, presenting work, and building networks are also presented through helpful explanatory videos. This video collection will give you the confidence to successfully navigate your research, take responsibility for your professional development and identify the transferable skills needed to progress your careers.
Topics covered in the videos include:
Project Management Writing a research proposal Securing ethical approval Writing for publication Computer applications Applied research Research careers & building networks Presenting at conferences Building Networks and many more topics There are more research methods videos in the SRM Core package
Provides full text to peer-reviewed journals from Elsevier Science, including a large number of journals in the life sciences.
Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Access the Elsevier Scopus guide for information about searching.
Coming soon: the UPEI librarians are developing a own localized scopus advanced search tips guide .
If you want to search for publications by UPEI authors, you can add these pieces to your Advanced search:
AF-ID ( "University of Prince Edward Island" 60007655 ) = UPEI (except AVC)
AF-ID("University of Prince Edward Island Atlantic Veterinary College" 60005845) = Atlantic Veterinary College
Small Business Collection
Ideal for business schools and entrepreneurs, Small Business Collection is updated daily and provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Users find more than 500 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals, including: Beverage Industry, Black Enterprise, Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, And more. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink , and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)
Springer LINK
Contains over 1,900 full text electronic journals from the areas of science, technology, medicine, engineering, environment, economics, and law.
Integrates data on over 60,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets.
Our data sources include market research reports, such as the Ipsos Affluent Survey published annually by Ipsos Media, Simmons National Consumer Studies and Consumer Insights from Scarborough Research, as well as trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. For each statistic, we provide available meta data including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents, and any other relevant details to facilitate verification of all statistical information available on Product description provided by the company.
Toronto Stock Exchange Monthly Review (eReview)
Monthly statistical overview of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Web of Science (Backfile)
Backfile thru December 2009 for Web of Science (WOS) Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) & Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Why just the backfile? See the Web of Science Subscription 2010 .
Wiley Online
Wiley Online is a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. The Library subscribes to a large subset of the journals published by Wiley, but not all of them. As of Winter 2019, the Library also provides access to over 20,000 Wiley ebooks, which is most but not all of them. The Library is unable to provide access to Wiley Textbooks.
Browse the list of Wiley journals available through UPEI (also includes older Blackwell titles, which Wiley bought)
World Bank Open Data
"Free and open access to global development data", with browse features by country or socio-economic indicator.
Includes a significant collection of population data at the subnational level.
Canada Commons
Canada Commons contains over 17,000 ebooks and over 180,000 Canadian documents of other kinds, mostly in English but also over 50,000 in French.
The documents are mostly from the Canadian government, but also many are from non-profit agencies and "think tanks".
Users off-campus may prefer to use this method of authentication/access, which bypasses our proxy server (this is known as SAML/SSO/Shibboleth access):
Note: This database/platform was formerly known as DesLibris/Canadian Electronic Library.
Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA)
The Canadian Opinion Research Archive at Queen's University makes available commercial and independent surveys to the academic, research and journalistic communities. Founded in 1992, CORA contains hundreds of surveys including thousands of discrete items collected by major commercial Canadian firms dating back to the 1970s.
Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship
Analyze business insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Updated daily. Best for business schools and entrepreneurs.
Public Affairs Index
Public Affairs Index is a bibliographic database covering all aspects of national and global public policy issues, including public health, the environment, housing, civil rights and international commerce. It includes thousands of indexed journals, conference papers, trade publications and government documents.
This database does not have its own full text but any indexed items that are also full text in other EBSCO databases will provide an easy link. Out of about 1 million citations, over 800,000 will provide that "linked full text".
Subjects Include:
Banking and public finance Criminal justice Economic policy and taxation Education and education policy Emigration and immigration Energy and energy policy Ethics Government Humanitarian issues Industry and labor Law and legislation Natural disasters and poverty Politics and elections Social policy Transportation
Sustainability Reference Center (EBSCO)
Sustainability Reference Center is a full-text database covering all aspects of sustainability, including environmental stewardship, corporate social responsibility and federal, state and local regulations. It includes full text journals, magazines, books and trade publications, plus expert analyses, benchmarks and best practices for sustainability initiative management.
Supporting executive decision-making and planning, Sustainability Reference Center helps users form a deeper understanding of the pillars of sustainability. It offers quick access to critical information including complete full text with images, tables, charts and other graphical content from many key titles.
Topics Include:
Corporate social responsibility Environmental stewardship Federal, state and local regulations "Green" issues and initiatives ISO 14000 LEED Recycling Renewable energy Resource conservation Social entrepreneurship Sustainable business practices Waste reduction