
Robertson Library Catalogue
Find and access the Library's print books, as well as equipment (laptops, chargers, etc), music (scores, CDs, vinyl, etc.), DVDs, and materials in the PEI Collections.

Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Access the Elsevier Scopus guide for information about searching. 

SCOAPĀ³ Open Access Repository

SCOAPĀ³ is the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics. It is an intermediary repository for gold open-access articles that will also appear on the publishers' sites and on arXiv. It is specific to the field of High-Energy (Particle) Physics. 

Keywords: SCOAP, SCOAP3


Containing over 15 million records, Inspec is one of the most definitive abstract and indexing databases for subject specific and interdisciplinary research in the fields of engineering, physics and computer science. The Inspec database covers five main topics: physics; electrical engineering and electronics; computers and control; information technology for business; and mechanical and production engineering.

Provides full text to peer-reviewed journals from Elsevier Science, including a large number of journals in the life sciences.
Web of Science (Backfile)

Backfile thru December 2009 for Web of Science (WOS) Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) & Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)


Why just the backfile? See the Web of Science Subscription 2010.

Wiley Online

Wiley Online is a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. The Library subscribes to a large subset of the journals published by Wiley, but not all of them. As of Winter 2019, the Library also provides access to over 20,000 Wiley ebooks, which is most but not all of them. The Library is unable to provide access to Wiley Textbooks.


OneSearch (EBSCO EDS - Proxied)

OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) searches most of Robertson Library's licensed content in a single search.



IOP Electronic Journals (Institute of Physics)
Provides full text access to over 100 IOP electronic journals. Subjects covered include atomic, molecular, optical, mathematical & general physics.

Searchable web database providing access to over 58 years of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications.

NOTE: As of Sept 2015, the entire MathSciNet database is also included within OneSearch. You can do a normal OneSearch search, then use the Databases Included at the bottom left to restrict results to MathSciNet.

Search tips:

Google Scholar

Searches scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and articles. Note: only use the proxied link when you are off-campus. If you are on campus, go directly to Google Scholar as

Academic Search Complete
A multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 8,500 periodicals, including full text for over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
An electronic archive for research articles, including physics, math, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology, and statistics.

Physics Research

  • Books: use OneSearch to find print or electronic books; only use the library catalogue to find print books
  • Reserves material - specific reading material selected by instructors of specific courses in physics
  • Help: For help with your physics research efforts, contact the