What is a panel display?
- A large "TV" that you can use to share your screen with a group. This is different from a SmartBoard which is touch-interactive. A display is controlled from an attached computer.
Where can I find one to use?
- Some group study rooms. Currently they are available in 346, 347, 349, and 350. These are "LCD" type displays. More are coming in the next year.
What do I need to use it?
- Check out from Circulation the remote control that corresponds to that particular study room. You need this to turn the panel on and off and change the output settings.
- A computer or other device that provides video output, usually either the provided desktop or a laptop, although other mobile devices may also have this capability
What computers does it work with?
- When a Dell desktop computer is provided in the same room, that computer is already hooked up to the display.
- Laptops that can support (directly or with an adapter) an HDMI video output can also be hooked up.
How do I hook up my laptop?
- Check out the remote from Circulation.
- Make sure you have a compatible hardware connector.
If you don't have an HDMI port built-in, ask at the Circulation Desk if they have an adaptor that will work for you (bring your laptop to them). - The "input" button on the remote should be set to either "PC1 Digital" or "AV1 Digital", whichever is not grayed out.
- Decide whether you want the display to "mirror" or "extend" your laptop's display.
See Laptops and Panel Displays - Windows or Laptops and Panel Displays - Macs for more information about these settings.
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