
European Patent Office Worldwide Bibliographic Database (EPO)
Patent information from around the world maintained by the European Patent Office; contains bibliographic data, such as titles and abstracts for millions of patents granted by various patent offices worldwide.
Transport Research International Documentation (TRID)

TRID (Transport Research International Documentation) is the world's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic resource on transportation research information.

TRID covers all modes and disciplines of transportation and contains more than 1.4 million records of published research.  More than 422,000 records contain links to full-text documents.

Canadian Patent Database

This database lets you access 153 years of patent descriptions and images. You can search, retrieve and study more than 2,480,000 patent documents.


Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Access the Elsevier Scopus guide for information about searching. 

MADCAD Standards

Full text of a select set of engineering-related standards as requested by engineering faculty from ASME, ASTM, and BSI.

Also includes over 6,000 standards provided for free, mostly from US states and US federal agencies.

O'Reilly Online Learning (formerly Safari)
This subscription package to over 35,000 ebooks and 6,000 videos includes primarily computer science, but with many engineering and business books too. It also includes hundreds of interactive tutorials and an AI-like "answers" feature for technical questions.

Produced by the American Geosciences Institute, this comprehensive geosciences database contains records for geosciences literature from around the world, including 3.8 million records from over 3,500 journals. Other records featured within the database include indexed books, maps, government reports, conference papers, theses and dissertations.

Subjects Include: Economic geology, Environmental and engineering geology, Geophysics, Hydrology, Paleontology, Petrology, Marine geology & oceanography, and Mineralogy.

ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery)

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)'s complete collection of publications, including Journals, Transactions, Magazines, Proceedings, and ACM Books. Also includes the "ACM Guide to Computing Literature", a comprehensive database of citation information on the field of computing.

ANSI Standards

The Library licenses a specific selection of engineering standards, at the request of engineering faculty.

Some of them are on this platform, customized for the UPEI licenses, run by

You can just read the standards directly, but if you "register" your own personal account on the site within the UPEI account, you will also be able to use a variety of useful features.

For more information or to request additional standards, contact the engineering librarian, Mackenzie Johnson,, 902-620-5290.


Ei Compendex is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world with over 20 million indexed records from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. Every record is carefully selected and indexed using the Engineering Index Thesaurus


Containing over 15 million records, Inspec is one of the most definitive abstract and indexing databases for subject specific and interdisciplinary research in the fields of engineering, physics and computer science. The Inspec database covers five main topics: physics; electrical engineering and electronics; computers and control; information technology for business; and mechanical and production engineering.

ASME Digital Collection

Journals and proceedings published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 

UPEI does not have a paid subscription, but some content on this site is open access/free.

  • ASME's Transaction Journals from 1960 to the present.
  • ASME's Conference Proceedings from 2002 to the present.
  • ASME Press eBooks selected from 1993 to the present.
IEEE IEL Online (Xplore)

Engineering journals, proceedings, and standards, from IEEE and IET


AccessEngineering is an online reference library, combining thousands of published reference sources along with videos, spreadsheet templates and calulators, and interactive tables and charts. It is an excellent place to start research on a topic or access engineering handbooks. Many of the titles included in AccessEngineering can be found through the library catalogue.

Rosie Le Faive


You can schedule an appoinment with me through  and we can meet on Zoom or Google Meet.

Web of Science (Backfile)

Backfile thru December 2009 for Web of Science (WOS) Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) & Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)


Why just the backfile? See the Web of Science Subscription 2010.

United States Patent and Trademark Office
Information about all US patents (including utility, design, reissue, plant patents & SIR documents) from the first patent issued in 1790 onwards.
Springer LINK
Contains over 1,900 full text electronic journals from the areas of science, technology, medicine, engineering, environment, economics, and law.
Provides full text to peer-reviewed journals from Elsevier Science, including a large number of journals in the life sciences.
Gateway to government science information & research results. Searches over 50 scientific databases & 200 million pages of science information.
SAGE Premier Collection
Full text of over 600 journals published by SAGE in the fields of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology, and Medicine.
OneSearch (EBSCO EDS - Proxied)

OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) searches most of Robertson Library's licensed content in a single search.



Google Scholar

Searches scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and articles. Note: only use the proxied link when you are off-campus. If you are on campus, go directly to Google Scholar as

Blackwell Synergy -- See Wiley Online
Wiley Online is a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
An electronic archive for research articles, including physics, math, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology, and statistics.
Academic Search Complete
A multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 8,500 periodicals, including full text for over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.

Engineering Subject Librarian: Mackenzie Johnson or 902-620-5290
Library Service Desk: in person, via the online AskUs chat tool,, 902-566-0583