European Patent Office Worldwide Bibliographic Database (EPO)

The EPO Worldwide Bibliographic Database is a comprehensive collection of patent information from around the world. It is maintained by the European Patent Office and contains bibliographic data, such as titles and abstracts for millions of patents granted by various patent offices worldwide. The database is a valuable resource for researchers, inventors, and intellectual property professionals who seek information about existing patents and technological developments. 

The European Patent Office (EPO) is an organization responsible for granting patents in Europe. It is one of the largest patent offices in the world and serves as a centralized authority for patent protection in European countries. The EPO's main function is to examine patent applications and grant patents that provide legal protection for inventions in its member states. 

The EPO operates independently of the European Union, and its member countries include not only EU member states but also non-EU countries that have signed the European Patent Convention. The EPO plays a vital role in promoting innovation and protecting intellectual property rights in Europe. 

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