Bookable Study Spaces

Group and individual study rooms are available for quietly studying or working on assignments.

Group Study Rooms: 261 (in Collaboratory, downstairs); Rooms upstairs: 306, 330, 341-350
Group size:  2-8 people (306 can hold larger groups, ask at the Service Desk)
Time per use: 3-hour block

Individual Study Rooms: 331-336 (yellow rooms)
Time per use: 3-hour block

Online Study Rooms: 320, 321, 326, & 327 (need to reserve using the Room Reservations website)
You will need your UPEI Campus Card to sign out the key
Time per use: 3-hour block

Research Study Rooms: 322-325
Note: Research rooms are not bookable; please ask at the Service Desk, you will need your UPEI Campus Card to sign out the key
Time per use: 3-hour block

Book a Room Now

  • Most group study rooms are equipped with computer
  • LCD Panel Displays: 4 group study rooms (346, 347, 349, 350) are equipped with LCD wall-mounted panel displays.
  • White Boards: most group study rooms are equipped with white boards
  • Most group rooms will accommodate up to 6 persons
  • Study rooms are no longer locked, leaving personal material unattended is at the student's own risk
  • Study rooms are not soundproofed. Groups using these rooms are asked to please close doors and keep conversations at a considerate noise level
  • Please clean up as you leave - there is no housekeeping service between bookings

Find an appropriate study zone, for yourself or a group, if the study rooms are unavailable.


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