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To check PC or Chromebook availability:
PC laptops
Chromebook laptops
Robertson Library provides students with different printing and scanning options
3D Printing - The Library's 3D printing is no longer available at this time, email 3dlibrary@upei.ca for questions.
Black & White Single sided $0.10, Double sided $0.16
Colour Single sided $0.20
Use your CampusCard to pay for printing.
Ask staff for help.Save to a USB stick orsend to an email address.
Scanning is free.
Learn more about the PEI Collection & University Archives.
If you would like to contribute to the development of the Robertson Library's digital collections (which are freely available to all) please visit our Gift page or contact Donald Moses (dmoses@upei.ca, 902-566-0460).
These collections have been digitized by UPEI Robertson Library staff. For commercially published digital collections (e.g. ebooks), see Find Books and More.
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Check out our 2024 Video Library Tour! Discover the study spaces and services and resources available at the Library.
Our 2024 Video Library Tour is also available in French and Cantonese.
Book a Space Now
Group Study Rooms: 261 (in Collaboratory, downstairs); Rooms upstairs: 306, 330, 341-350 Group size: 2-8 people (306 can hold larger groups, ask at the Service Desk) Time per use: 3-hour block
Individual Study Rooms: 331-336 (yellow rooms) Time per use: 3-hour block
Online Study Rooms: 320, 321, 326, & 327 (need to reserve using the Room Reservations website) You will need your UPEI Campus Card to sign out the key Time per use: 3-hour block
Research Study Rooms: 322-325 Note: Research rooms are not bookable; please ask at the Service Desk, you will need your UPEI Campus Card to sign out the key Time per use: 3-hour block
Find an appropriate study zone, for yourself or a group, if the study rooms are unavailable.
Hot topics this week: Wireless configuration; Printing
Islander Day & Reading Week
Winter Semester
Covers more than 600 Native American groups, through videos and slideshows, images, biographies of key people, event and topic entries, primary sources, maps and graphs, and timelines.
Contains citations for books, essays, journal articles and government documents of the United States and Canada pertaining to native North Americans, including culture, history and daily life. Useful for researching the contributions, struggles and issues surrounding North America's indigenous peoples. An EBSCO product, also included in OneSearch Full.
The Canadiana collections are the largest online collections of early textual Canadiana in the world and include valuable national documentary heritage that is used for research, teaching, and personal history.
They includes 95,000 titles (19 million pages) of monographs, serials (periodicals, newspapers, and annuals), and government publications.
They also include the Early Canadiana Online collection which consists of 5.8 million pages arranged in thematic sub-collections.
Primary historical documents relating to the historical experiences, cultural traditions and innovations, and political status of indigenous peoples in the United States and Canada
The Indigenous Studies Portal (iPortal) is a database of full-text electronic resources such as books, articles, theses and documents as well as digitized materials such as photographs, archival resources, maps, etc. focusing primarily on First Nations and Aboriginals of Canada with a secondary focus on North American materials and beyond.
Informit’s Indigenous Collection brings together ground-breaking and emerging research with topical and historical issues paramount to Indigenous studies across the world.