Applied Climate Change and Adaptation

Sustainability Reference Center (EBSCO)
Sustainability Reference Center is a robust full-text database covering all aspects of sustainability, including environmental stewardship, corporate social responsibility and federal, state and local regulations.
Public Affairs Index (EBSCO)
Public Affairs Index is a bibliographic database covering all aspects of national and global public policy issues.

Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Access the Elsevier Scopus guide for information about searching. 

SAGE Research Methods Video: Practical Research and Academic Skills

This collection of over 450 streaming videos on the SAGE Research Methods platform offers support on the practical skills that you need to successfully complete your research. Key areas such as writing a research proposal, planning and designing a research project, and securing ethical approval are explicitly covered. Practical skills such as project management, writing for publication, presenting work, and building networks are also presented through helpful explanatory videos.

Sage Research Methods Foundations

SAGE Research Methods Foundations is a large series of extended articles/short books edited by Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug & Richard A. Williams. It is the perfect companion for novice researchers and provides bite-size, introductory overviews to all the major methods topics to help get you on your way.

Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database (includes ASFA)

This indexing + full text database from Proquest contains within it:

  • Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)
  • Oceanic Abstracts
  • Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA)

Plus hundreds of full text journals and documents relating to earth, land, and air sciences.

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies

Content that covers topics about environmental concerns, such as soil science, science and management, introduction to agronomy, food, crops & environment.

Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.

(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)

This database was formerly known as GREENR.


Produced by the American Geosciences Institute, this comprehensive geosciences database contains records for geosciences literature from around the world, including 3.8 million records from over 3,500 journals. Other records featured within the database include indexed books, maps, government reports, conference papers, theses and dissertations.

Subjects Include: Economic geology, Environmental and engineering geology, Geophysics, Hydrology, Paleontology, Petrology, Marine geology & oceanography, and Mineralogy.

Google Scholar

Searches scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and articles. Note: only use the proxied link when you are off-campus. If you are on campus, go directly to Google Scholar as

Covers all aspects of human impact to the environment, including global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture & renewable energy.
EconLit with Full Text (EBSCOhost)
Foremost source of references to economic literature. Provides indexing and abstracting of 450+ international economic periodicals, books & papers.
Academic Search Complete
A multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 8,500 periodicals, including full text for over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
CAB Abstracts (via EBSCOhost)
Covers the significant research and development literature in applied life sciences, including agriculture, the environment, human nutrition, applied economics, leisure/tourism, and veterinary medicine.