

  • OneSearch is a single search option. Resources currently included in a OneSearch search are: the Library's catalogue (includes books, musical scores, audio recordings, etc.), all EBSCOhost products, all of the full text journals licensed from Elsevier/ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Sage, Wiley, Springer, ACS, IOP, BioOne, and ProjectMuse, many of the specialty historical full text databases (Alexander Street Press), and millions of index-only article and book records from various sources. Some Proquest databases (CBCA, ASFA, PAIS, Philosopher's Index) and Biosis are included but as optional add-ins, using check boxes on the far right of the search results screen.
  • If you don't find what you are looking for in OneSearch, then try searching for the item in a specific database. Best bets for databases are listed below. For print books and physical media (such as CDs, records, and DVDs), you can also search the Library Catalogue.
  • Reserves: Materials on reserve for music courses
  • Proquest Academic Videos Online (AVON) -- check out the "Music & Performing Arts" channel for a wide variety of videos, including complete productions and performances of musical works.
  • Articles: Can be searched through OneSearch or individual databases (under Article Databases on Library's homepage) or using the links listed below:
Title Description
Academic Search Complete A multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 8,500 periodicals, including full text for over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Canadian Music Periodical Index Index to Canadian music journals, newsletters and magazines. Covers all aspects of musical activity in Canada. Includes information from the late nineteenth century to the present.
Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature A collection of databases of interest to music scholars. Includes Musical Borrowing: An Annotated Bibliography.
Classical Net Covers all aspects of classical music through a network of commercial and noncommercial links.

Provides access to archival issues of over 4,500 scholarly journals across most academic disciplines. Includes primary source materials.

The collections are the following: Arts & Sciences I to XV, Business IV, Hebrew Journals, Ireland, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Public Health, Security Studies, Sustainability, Global Plants, Struggles for Freedom in Southern Africa, World Heritage Sites: Africa, and 19th Century British Pamphlets.

JSTOR also now includes over a half-million images from the ArtStor  "public collection", described as "images, videos, documents, and audio files from museums, archives, libraries, and faculty collections". Eventually all 1.3 million images currently accessible on the ArtStor platform will also be on the JSTOR platform.

Authentication note: If you create your own personal account within the UPEI institutional account, you can access everything UPEI has licensed by logging into that account directly from on or off campus without going through our proxy server. That is good for 365 days and can be easily renewed.

Faculty: If you want an entire class to have their own accounts, you can provide with a list of student email addresses, and we can upload them all in a batch - students will get email invites that they need to accept, but it makes the process much easier, if you want to use the collaborative research tools in the "JSTOR Workspace".

Naxos Music Library Provides streaming access to over 2.8 million tracks (188,000+ CDs), including the entire Naxos/Marco Polo catalogues and the catalogues of almost a thousand other record labels. This is the world's largest online classical music library.
Project MUSE Includes the full text of over 320 scholarly journals in the Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences fields.
Gale OneFile: Fine Arts

Search millions of articles about drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. Diverse resource for serious fine arts students.

Places 10.4 million articles at the fingertips of serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. More than 250 journals covered in databases such as the Wilson Art Index and the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) index are available in full text.

(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)

Robertson Library Catalogue


What's in the Catalogue?

The Catalogue contains information about many of the print, borrowable, and reference materials at the Robertson Library. It contains

What's not in the Catalogue?

Many of our resources are outside of the catalogue. These include:

Can I log in?

Yes, you can log in to the Catalogue to place holds or renew your borrowed items. Use your UPEI username and password.

Who supports the Catalogue?

The Metadata and Systems teams at the Robertson Library support the Catalogue. Contact Rosie Le Faive for metadata issues and Courtney Matthews for technical concerns.

The Catalogue has been self-hosted on Evergreen, an open-source ILS software, since 2008.



Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I

Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I contains over 400,000 pages of the most important classical music scores, manuscripts, and previously unpublished material, allowing for the study and analysis of more than 25,000 scores. All the major classical music genres are included - orchestral, chamber, opera, vocal, solo instrumental, and choral.

Not specified