Background Info - Music

When you are doing research on a topic, you will often encounter unfamiliar terms, or familiar ones used in a specialized way.  DICTIONARIES can provide a quick definition and often some elaboration on the uses of the term.  ENCYCLOPEDIAS provide background information on unfamiliar subjects, leading you quickly to key ideas and sources in developing your topic. Many encyclopedia articles will also include brief bibliographies which will lead you to further sources of information. Material in the Reference area (REF) can be used in the Library -- but can not be borrowed.  Some of the items listed below are in print (in REF and the STACKS) and some can be accessed electronically.  There are lots more titles -- these are just a sample of the reference music material we have.

Encyclopedia of Music in Canada
ML106.C3E62 1992 REF

An Encyclopedia of Quotations About Music
ML66.E6 1981 REF

Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music
ML385.C7 1962 v.1 & 2 STACKS

Encyclopedia of the Music Business

Ethnomusicology: A Guide to Research (2004)

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
ML100.G16 1998 vol. 1-10 REF

Harvard Dictionary of Music
ML100.A64 2003 REF

Musical Terms, Symbols, and Theory: An Illustrated Dictionary (1989)
ML108.T46 1989 REF

Not specified