Do you need a spot where you can get together to work on a group project or assignment?
Are you looking for a work space where you can study and not have to listen to people talking?
To accommodate the different needs of our patrons, Robertson Library has areas for different noise levels.
For 2024-2025, the library is piloting new noise expectations.
In most areas of the library (in green and yellow on the map), we expect you to
- Use "inside voices" to talk to the people in your immediate area
- Use headphones any time you are listening to a personal device
- Set ringers to silent or vibrate
- Be considerate of others
In the silent zones, marked in red, everyone should refrain from talking. Please leave the silent zone before answering or making a call. Ensure that no noise is escaping from your headphones.
UPEI students are expected to follow the UPEI Student Code of Conduct.

Not specified