
Canada Commons

Canada Commons contains over 17,000 ebooks and over 180,000 Canadian documents of other kinds, mostly in English but also over 50,000 in French.

The documents are mostly from the Canadian government, but also many are from non-profit agencies and "think tanks".


Users off-campus may prefer to use this method of authentication/access, which bypasses our proxy server (this is known as SAML/SSO/Shibboleth access):

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete

Gain insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy. Best for educators, administrators, and education students.

NFB Education (was NFB Campus)

Provides streaming access to films produced by the National Film Board.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Full text biographies, literary criticism, authors, writers, musicians, famous people (American and world)

What Works Clearinghouse (US Dept of Education)
A collection of reports on scientific evidence for best practices in education, designed for educators.
SAGE Premier Collection
Full text of over 600 journals published by SAGE in the fields of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology, and Medicine.
Contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports in the field of psychology.
PIKA : Canadian Childrens Literature Database

Contains records for all children's books held by Library and Archives Canada (LAC), with over 35,000 titles dating from the 19th century to the present. 

Now part of the larger Aurora LAC catalogue search. The link will provide you with the Advanced search form with the PIKA limiting code already filled in. Add your own keywords as needed to other fields.

OneSearch (EBSCO EDS - Proxied)

OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) searches most of Robertson Library's licensed content in a single search.



Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
Indexes over 600 periodicals, books, research reports & proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, bibliometrics & information management.
International Children's Digital Library
Contains thousands of books for children, in many different languages, digitized from print.
Explorations in Learning & Instruction: The Theory Into Practice Database
A tool intended to make learning and instructional theory more accessible to educators.
ERIC via the U.S. Dept of Education
Provides citations back to 1966. Most documents issued from 1993-present are freely available online.
Provides access to education literature and resources. Contains 1.3 million+ records and links to 323,000+ fulltext documents from ERIC back to 1966.
Education Research Complete
Covers areas of curriculum instruction, administration, policy, funding, and related social issues. Indexing & abstracts for more than 2,200 journals.
CBCA Complete (Proquest)
Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) Complete; despite its name, it encompasses all subject areas, with Canadian focus.
Cairn offers access to a comprehensive collection of French language periodicals in the social sciences and humanities disciplines. The Library does not subscribe to most of this content, so access is just to the citation information and portion of the site that is open access. However, you can place Interlibrary Loan requests for articles you discover on this platform.
Academic Search Complete
A multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 8,500 periodicals, including full text for over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.