
Free trial - HeinOnline (law) through July 31

The Library is running a free trial of the HeinOnline Canadian Core legal/historical database now through July 31.

New Book Scanner - Click Mini

The Library now offers a Click Mini book scanner in the Learning Commons

Stress Free Zone!

Feel overwhelmed? Studying getting you down? Do you need to just take a breath?

Come and relax in the Library's Stress Free Zone.

The 12 Days of Postcards

Beginning on December 1, we will be showcasing 12 days of vintage PEI Postcards.

Join us for a Pyjama Party!

Thursday, November 23, 5 - 11 pm

It's that time of year when you're getting stressed - we can help you with that!
Check out the Pyjama Party schedule.


StatsCan releases 2016 data for Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity and Housing

StatsCan has recently released 2016 data tables and graphics for "Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity" and "Housing"

3D Printing

3D printer now available to UPEI and PEI community!

Remembrance Day weekend hours

Robertson Library will be open noon-5pm on Remembrance Day, Saturday, Nov. 11th; 10am-11pm on Sunday, Nov. 12th; and noon-10pm on Monday, Nov. 13th.

Free trial for Science Magazine (AAAS) Nov 1 - Dec 1

The Library has obtained a free trial for online access to the scholarly journal Science for the period Nov 1 - Dec 1, 2017.

Music in PEI: a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Tuesday, October 24, 1pm-4pm

Robertson Library Rm 265 (LINC)

In coordination with the Music and Belonging Wikipedia Project, the UPEI library invites all to improve existing PEI-related music or artist articles by adding citations to existing articles, or creating new articles. No experience necessary!

The event will provide training and guidance on editing Wikipedia, and finding and citing reliable sources. Refreshments will also be provided.

Spooktacular Tales @ Robertson Library

Wednesday, Oct. 25th at 7 pm, Room 308 (Upper Level) in the Library. Ghost stories, eerie tales, songs, & legends from UPEI, PEI, and beyond.

Open Access Week 2017

Events October 23 - October 26 to celebrate International Open Access Week

Library Orientation Tour Winners

Congratulations to Boyang Bernie Zhou, who won the grand prize of a Samsung tablet, and to Jocelynne Richards and Selina Kuhn who were the winners of a $15 gift card to the UPEI Bookstore.

Library Open Thanksgiving Day

Robertson Library will be open 12 noon - 10 pm on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 9th.

Happy Thanksgiving!

New Lobby Exhibit Focuses on UPEI Sporting Heritage

Exhibit Launch Celebrates Homecoming 2017.

The Library’s University Archives is pleased to celebrate Homecoming Weekend 2017 with the launch of this exhibit on the development of sports and fitness at UPEI. Stop by the lobby to learn more about our University's 48 great years of sporting tradition!

Fluorescent Chemistry with Brian Wagner!

Friday, Sept 22, 12:30-1pm in the Library Lobby


Free trial: Literary Encyclopedia

Now through December a free trial on the database Literary Encyclopedia.

*POSTPONED* Check Out the Stars @ Robertson Library

Stargazing has been postponed, and we'll try again in October! 


Movie Night @ Robertson Library, Friday 7:30pm

The Library is hosting a movie night as part of NSO. Join us in Room 308 of the Library on Friday, Sept. 8th at 7:30 pm to watch the movie Logan. Free admission! Everyone is welcome! 

Robertson Library Open This Weekend

The Library will be open this weekend, including Labour Day. Sat., Sept. 2nd (NSO) 9am-5pm; Sun., Sept. 3rd 1-8pm; Mon., Sept. 4th 1-8pm.

Welcome all new and returning students!


Documentaries and lectures that provide insight into LGBT and gender issues

Films on Demand is a massive collection of academically appropriate videos.

It includes over 500 videos relating to gender and LGBT issues.

Or explore the entire collection - over 40,000 videos, including over 250,000 separately watchable segments.

Library Orientation Tours are available throughout September!

Discover your Library’s resources and services, AND be entered to win a prize. The grand prize is a tablet! We’d love to show you around!

New Historical Archive - Frontier Life

Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial Encounters, a historical archive, is now available

August 28, 1963 MLK March on Washington - See videos!

Documentaries and historical footage relating to Martin Luther King, Jr.'s historical March on Washington, on August 28, 1963

Find Open Access articles with Unpaywall

This browser plug-in finds open access (free) versions of articles the library doesn't subscribe to.

PEI by the numbers...

In early August, Statistics Canada released Families, Households, and Marital Status data tables from the 2016 census, with changes from 2011.

Library Closed Friday, Aug. 18

Robertson Library will be closed on Friday, August 18, Gold Cup & Saucer Parade Day.

Library hours are available at

For more information on the Gold Cup Parade, visit or on Old Home Week activities, including the Gold Cup & Saucer Race, visit

“The Wreck of the Marco Polo” Virtual Reality Experience launches July 27

The L.M. Montgomery Institute and the University of Prince Edward Island are launching an exhibit that marries technology and history in an exciting and dynamic way. “The Wreck of the Marco Polo” Virtual Reality Experience launches Thursday, July 27 from 4-6 pm in UPEI’s Robertson Library.

Call for Papers L.M. Montgomery and Reading deadline is August 15, 2017

Reminder: One Month to Submit Your Proposal

Exploring the Night Sky

Join Chris Vessey, Sidewalk Astronomers of Charlottetown, and Megan Glover, UPEI Physics Department, for a talk on exploring the evening sky with the Robertson Library's newly donated Sky Watcher telescope.  Learn how to use the telescope, a star wheel, and about apps to help you get started in astronomy.

When: Wednesday July 19,  2017
Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm with possibility for viewing
Where: Robertson Library, Main Floor

Light refreshments and the public is welcome.

Library closed Monday, July 3rd in lieu of Canada Day

Robertson Library will be closed on Monday, July 3rd in lieu of Canada Day (Saturday, July 1st).

Canada Day 2017 - the 150th anniversary of Confederation!

Have a look at the activities planned for Canada Day, compiled by the Government of Canada (filter by Prince Edward Island, or by your region).

Happy Canada Day!

Librarian Candidate Public Presentations

The Robertson Library invites the campus community to public presentations and mock classes by three candidates for the permanent-track position Health Sciences and Scholarly Communications Librarian. Each candidate will present on the following topic:

Library Closed Victoria Day, Monday, May 22nd

Robertson Library will be closed on Victoria Day, Monday, May 22nd.

Library hours are available at

Happy Victoria Day!

Library Open 9am-6pm Convocation Day, Saturday, May 13

Robertson Library will be open 9 am - 6 pm on Convocation Day, Saturday, May 13th.

Congratulations to all graduates!

Protect your privacy! New online privacy guide

Librarians at the University of Western Ontario have created a nice guide to explain and advise you on techniques and tools to protect the privacy of your information online.

UPEI's official policy on personal information and privacy is here.

BookLives - 100 Lives and Many Books!

BookLives has added it's 100th person, and fittingly it is the man behind the name of the Robertson Library, Samuel Napier Robertson. 

Need a few more articles or books? Ask library staff for help!

It's that time of the semester when the pressure is on to get those research papers done.

A few minutes with a librarian could save you hours of stress trying to find appropriate books or articles for your research paper.

Ask any member of the library staff for help. During most business hours, a librarian should be available to help.

During evening hours, the library staff may be able to get you started or help you find a time within the next couple of days to meet with a librarian.

Food for Fines April 7th-28th

Do you have library fines? Would you like to help a fellow student or family on Campus?

Bring non-perishable food or grocery items (e.g. canned goods, pasta, light bulbs, toilet paper, etc.- please no damaged, expired, or opened goods) for the Campus Food Bank to the Service Desk at the Library from Friday, April 7th to Friday, April 28th, 2017 and we’ll deduct $2.00 per item from your library fines.

Library Extended Hours Through April 27th

Robertson Library will be open extended hours through April 27th, 2017.

April 3rd - April 27th hours:

     Monday - Friday -- 8 am - 11 pm
     Saturday & Sunday -- 9 am - 11 pm

Easter Weekend Hours - April 14th - April 17th:

     Good Friday -- 10 am - 11 pm
     Saturday -- 9 am - 11 pm
     Easter Sunday -- 10 am - 11 pm
     Easter Monday -- 10 am - 11 pm     

Stress Free Zone

Feel overwhelmed? Studying getting you down? Do you need to just take a break?

The Robertson Library has set up a Stress Free Zone in the Main Level Lobby of the Library for you! 

Need APA/MLA help? Learn the New RefWorks in 30 minutes

RefWorks is a service provided by Robertson Library that will help you format your paper citations according to the style rules you need to use, including APA and MLA (and many more).

What:  30-minute intro to using the New RefWorks

Tuesday March 28 at 12:30 pm
and repeating on
Wednesday March 29 at noon

Where: in the LINC classroom in the Library.

Google Scholar short workshops, March 14 and 22

What: 20 Minute Workshop - Tips and Tricks for Using Google Scholar

When: March 14 4pm  OR March 22 12:30pm

Where: LINC classroom in the Library

We promise you will learn at least one very useful tip to save you time!

Note that this workshop is about Google Scholar, not regular Google.

For more information, or to request other short workshops, contact Melissa Belvadi,

E-Learning Office Open House March 2

The E-Learning Office has moved to Robertson Library 302/303.  Faculty and staff are invited to come visit our new location on Thursday, March 2nd, 2017 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Come enjoy some refreshments, meet our staff, and find out how we can help support you!

Open Pages -- March 1, with Ann Braithwaite

The next “OpenPages” at UPEI’s Robertson Library happens March 1, at 7 pm and highlights the new book by UPEI professor Ann Braithwaite, Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies.

Open Pages features local authors speaking about their books: what inspired them, what they learned, what they want to share. Event takes place in the new lounge on the first floor of UPEI's Robertson Library. Light refreshments will be served.

Library Open Islander Day (Monday, Feb. 20) Noon-10pm

Robertson Library will be open on Islander Day, Monday, February 20th, 2017, 12 noon - 10 pm.

Happy Islander Day!

Full Library Hours are available at

Fair Dealing: What’s the Deal? Feb. 22 Session on Campus Copyright

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Looking for students for website study - $100 gift code!

The Library is looking for a few students to participate in a 20-minute online study of the design of the library's website, to take place sometime in mid-late February.
We'll be providing a $100 gift code for as a stipend.
If you are interested, please email Melissa Belvadi,
with the following information:

Lobby Display -- Winter Carnival

Next time you're "chilling" (forgive the seasonal pun) in the Library lobby's new "comfort zones", why not take a moment to check out the latest display from the University Archives and Special Collections, celebrating the history of Winter Carnival at UPEI and our higher education forebears, St. Dunstan's University and Prince of Wales College? Parades, concerts, parties, coronations for student "royalty", snow sculpting, and more ... they knew how to beat the winter "blahs", back in the day!

Library Orientation Tour Winners!

Robertson Library is pleased to announce the winners of the January 2107 Library Orientation Tour draw!

Library Orientation Tours were held throughout January and featured the services and resources available at the Library.

The winners of a $15.00 gift card to the UPEI bookstore are Amanda Isenor, Emma Goodwin, Noah Murphy, and Sheldon Cudmore.

Congratulations to our winners!

Thanks to everyone who took a tour; we hope that you had an enjoyable experience getting to know your Library.

Celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary: 26 videos about Canada

The Library's biggest streaming video service, Films on Demand, in celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary this year, has provided a title list about Canadian history, including: