12 Days of Postcards - Day 6!

Today's postcard for 12 Days of Postcards is featured on a popular TV show in the 1970s. Candlepins for Cash was a Boston-based TV show that premiered in 1973. Contestants would bowl on the show to win money. A portion of the show was dedicated to randomly pulling out postcards from a batch to win a prize. If the contestant won, so did their “Pin Pal.” A number of postcards were sent from the Island to the show. They would write clever messages to wish their potential partner good luck.


Clip of TV show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw79SjeSIQk


Link to postcards: https://upei.cairnrepo.org/islandora/object/upei%3A1798, https://upei.cairnrepo.org/islandora/object/upei%3A196


Full collection: http://upei.ca/peipostcards