
Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023! We wish you all the best in the future!

Spring 2020 Virtual Exhibit - Remembering Father Charlie Cheverie Through Our Digital Collections

The Reverend Doctor Joseph Charles Cheverie — fondly known to generations of Islanders as “Father Charlie” — passed away in late August 2019. In reflecting on his legacy — at this University and beyond — the Library’s University Archives & Special Collections unit realized that one measure of his impact can be seen through several of our digital collections.

Returning Borrowed Items During the COVID-19 Crisis

If you need to return items that you have borrowed from the library then click here.

COVID-19 Response

Changes to services due to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Info

Links to authoritative sources of information about COVID-19, local, international, and scholarly.


Image credit: CDC / Alissa Eckert, Dan Higgins; public domain

Information and Scholarly Resources on COVID-19
Musical Interlude @ Robertson Library: Matt Squared

Join us in the Library on Tuesday, Mar. 10 at noon for a performance by guitar duo, UPEI music students Matt Kays & Matt McNally. All are welcome to this free event.

Freedom to Read Week, Feb. 23 – 29, 2020

Check out our Freedom to Read Week book display. Take a pic with your favourite challenged or banned book.

Movie Talks @ Robertson Library: The Ninth Floor

Rescheduled to Monday, March 2nd, Robertson Library, Room 235 @ 6pm. Doors open @ 5:30pm. Co-sponsored by the Library, UPEI Student Diversity Office, BIPOC USHR, & the Hive.

Environmental Studies Discussion Series

All are welcome to our screening of the documentary “Athropocene: The Human Epoch,” followed by a discussion led by the UPEI students.

Heritage Week Display Celebrates Library's 45th Anniversary

Our new lobby display takes a look at the big news on-campus 45 years ago --  a brand-new Library!

Blind Date with a Book @ Robertson Library

Celebrate I Read Canadian Day! Visit our display of Canadian literature. Check out a book (or a few) from our gift-wrapped selection as your blind date or choose your own.

Library Open Islander Day, Monday, Feb. 17, noon - 10pm

 Mid-semester Break Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 8am-10pm; Friday, 8am-8pm; Saturday, 10am-5pm; Sunday, 10am-11pm.

Grants for Open Education Resources
Faculty! Learn about the OER Development Program grants!
Send a Postcard Home!

Tuesday, Feb. 11th, 11 am - 1 pm. Postcards are FREE - and we will mail your postcard for FREE! Robertson Library, Main Level. All are welcome!

International Development Week: Feb. 2 - 8

Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of International Development Week. Check out our display in the foyer of the Library.

Movie Talks @ Robertson Library: Lost Boys of Sudan

Wednesday, February 5th, Robertson Library, Room 312. Doors open at 5:30 pm, documentary starts at 6:00 pm. Free admission. Co-sponsored by WUSC UPEI and the Library.

Escape Room @ Robertson Library

Sign up for a free Escape Room experience! Open to all UPEI students, faculty, and staff.

Library Orientation Tours in January. Additional Tour Added - Friday at 2 pm

Take a library tour in January to learn about your library's services and resources. Tours leave from the Service Desk and last 30-40 minutes. Additional tour scheduled for Friday, Jan. 31 at 2 pm.

RefWorks now supports APA 7th Edition

RefWorks has now released its support of APA 7th Edition, which was published in October.

Update December 17, 2019: DOIs should have ONLY the DOI itself in the data field - the style will add the for you. It won't strip out anything so you need to remove it if you've added it.


Also it will not adjust title case for you so you need to do this yourself in your citation records.

Stress Free Zone!

Take a time-out, relax, and have fun in the Stress Free Zone! Play a game, colour, get crafty, smile for a selfie fashion shoot, get creative with Lego, or just unwind in our beloved bean bag chairs.

Food for Fines: Dec. 4 - Dec. 14

Support the UPEI Campus Food Bank and reduce your library fines! Donate non-perishable food items and we'll deduct $2. per item from your library fines.

New PubMed available

The U.S. National Library of Medicine has been working on a new version of PubMed since March 2019.

Extended Library Hours

Nov. 30 - Dec. 13: Monday-Friday, 8 am-11 pm; Saturday, 8 am-8 pm; Sunday, 10 am-11 pm. Saturday, Dec 14, 8 am-5 pm.
Good luck with your exams!

International Education Week

Robertson Library celebrates International Education Week (IEW), November 18th - 22nd!

Movie Talks @ Robertson Library: The Staging Post

The Library, WUSC UPEI, & the Rotaract Club of UPEI invite you to attend a free screening of the documentary The Staging Post. Wed., Nov. 20. Room 312 of the Library. 6 pm. All are welcome!

Veterans' Week / Remembrance Day Display

 Visit our Veterans' Week and Remembrance display in the lobby of the Library. Material will be on display until Saturday, November 16th.


Spooktacular Tales @ Robertson Library!

Tuesday, Oct. 29th at 7 pm. Room 312, Robertson Library.  Dr. Richard Raiswell presentation on early modern witch hunting and movie, The VVetch: A New England Folktale. Free event!

Environmental Studies Discussion Series

Robertson Library: October 30, 2019 at 5:30pm.

All Welcome!

Library open Thanksgiving Day

Robertson Library will be open noon - 10 pm on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 14th.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Kejimkujik: History Written in Stone

A Mi’kmaq Petroglyph Exhibit by Mi’kmaq Artisan, Todd Labrador. Official opening Monday, Oct. 7 at noon. Story by PEI Poet Laureate and Mi’kmaq Author, Julie Pellisier-Lush. The exhibit will be open until Oct. 25th.


GeoScienceWorld Ebooks Trial

Over 2,000 ebooks in the Earth Sciences including Environmental Science. Trial through November 30.

Orange Shirt Day

UPEI wears orange to honour residential school survivors on Orange Shirt Day, Monday, Sept. 30th. Visit the information table in the Library on Monday, 11 am-1 pm. 

Free trial: Access Science

Try Access Science for high quality summaries of scientific topics and biographies


Send a Postcard Home!

Wednesday, Sept. 18, 11 am - 2 pm in the Library Breezeway. Postcards are FREE - and we'll mail your postcard for you!! Co-sponsored with the UPEI International Student Office. Free popcorn!

What new books did the library get recently?

Find out by subject and platform what new books have been added to the Library in the last month:

You can filter the list by subject area, or by platform (ebooks) or location (print books), and by month added (by default will show the last few months).

Click on the book title to get to the full catalogue record. Clicking on the call number will give you a "shelf browse" but be aware that will only show print books, not ebooks.


Free access to some textbooks

The Library is working to provide students with free access to some course-required textbooks.

To find the ones available now, look in Reserves for the particular Faculty for your course, then look in the Reserves course listing for the general Faculty of ...  Library Textbooks. You will see a list organized by course number.

This is an ongoing project and the lists of available textbooks is constantly being updated.

Library Open Labour Day

Robertson Library will be open 1 pm – 8 pm on Labour Day, Monday, September 2nd.

Have a happy and safe Labour Day weekend!

Library Closing at 5 pm on Thursday

The Library will close at 5 pm on Thursday, Aug. 29th for building maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Robertson Library & UPEI NSO Movie Night

Free movie - Captain Marvel. Join us on Friday, Sept. 6th at 7 pm in Duffy Science Centre, Room 135. Free popcorn! All are welcome! PG-13 rating.

UPEI NSO Event - Escape Robertson Library

Spend a fun-filled evening in the Library on Tuesday, Sep. 3@4:30pm! Solve puzzles, complete challenges, & unlock secret boxes to escape! Limited to 50 NSO UPEI students. First-come, first-served. Line up early!

Escape Room @ Robertson Library

Escape the Deadly Virus on PEI: Crow Disease! Find clues, solve puzzles, find keys, & open locks to escape. Can you escape in time? Free admission! Open to all UPEI students, faculty, and staff. Sign up now!

Library Closing at 4 pm on Sep. 3

Robertson Library will close at 4 pm on Tuesday, September 3rd for a UPEI NSO event. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause. If you need a study space, check out the list of buildings that are open after 4 pm that day. 

Library Orientation Tours in September

Book a Library Orientation Tour!  Learn about your Library's services and resources. Tours start Thursday, September 5 and are available throughout the month.

Closed on Friday August 16, 2019

Robertson Library is closed on Friday August 16, 2019, for Gold Cup Day. We will reopen on Sunday August 18, 2019 at 1pm.

Library open Sat., July 27 10am-5pm

Welcome UPEI, SDU, and PWC alumni to Reunion Weekend 2019! The Library will be open from 10 am - 5 pm on Saturday, July 27th. Drop by the Library and say Hello!

Dr. Epperly to launch compilation of L.M. Montgomery's scrapbooks

New edition of Imagining Anne: The Island Scrapbooks of L.M. Montgomery will be launched on Thursday, July 25, 2:30-3:30 pm in the Library.

Celebrate Canada Day! Library closed Monday, July 1

Happy Canada Day!

Pigot Lecture Series: The Lion of Prince of Wales: Alexander Anderson

On Tuesday, June 25 at 6:30 pm on the second floor of UPEI’s Robertson Library. PEI writer Marion Bruce will present “The Lion of Prince of Wales: Alexander Anderson—An Unsung Hero of Prince Edward Island’s Education System.”

National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day for all Canadians to recognize & celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, & outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit & Métis peoples in Canada. Come visit our display in the Library Lobby.