
Printing Services Disruption

Due to a system upgrade, our patron Printing Services will be disrupted on July 25th, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Reunion Weekend

Join us at Robertson Library for UPEI’s Alumni Reunion Weekend, from July 25th to 27th!

Pride Season

Robertson Library Celebrates Pride Season!

In celebration of Pride Season, Robertson Library is exhibiting a special display found in our exhibit corner of the lobby.

Happy Canada Day!

Robertson Library will be closed on Canada Day, Monday July 1st. However, we remain open for Sunday, June 30th, and will return Tuesday July 2nd!

Happy Canada Day!

Catalogue unavailable Tuesday, June 18

The Library's catalogue will be unavailable Tuesday, June 18 to allow for a software upgrade.

National Indigenous History Month

This month we celebrate the history, achievement, resilience, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples across Canada.

Happy Convocation Week!

This week is UPEI's convocation week, running from May 14 to May 17th.

To UPEI's graduating class of 2024, a huge congratulations!

Robertson Library Revitalization

The University of Prince Edward Island has launched a $15-million fundraising campaign for the revitalization of Robertson Library.

Robertson Library Summer Hours

Here's our library's summer schedule, tailored to fit around all of your sunny adventures.

April is National Poetry Month in Canada

As April is National Poetry Month, Robertson Library has been highlighting poets associated with UPEI all month, and this week, we conclude this celebration with Dr. Laurie Brinklow.

National Poetry Month: Featured Poet

Poet and children’s author, Assistant Professor Dave Hickey is also the Coordinator of UPEI's Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture (ACLC) program.

National Poetry Month: Featured Poet

Poet, author, and editor Jane Ledwell currently serves as Executive Director of the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, she worked with the Institute of Island Studies at UPEI.

Robertson Library Movie Night | Friday, April 12 at 6 pm
April is National Poetry Month in Canada

April is National Poetry Month. This month, we will be profiling a UPEI Poet each week, to honor published poets with past or current connections to our university community. Our first featured poet is UPEI Professor Emeritus Frank Ledwell (1930-2008).

Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change Exhibition

The Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change course (ACC2030/IKE2030) will be hosting an exhibition on April 3rd at 3:30pm in the Robertson Library Lobby. The exhibition will showcase creative pieces by students based on their reflections of Knowledge-Keeper Elder Gary Joe Augustine's, from Elsipogtog First Nation, presentation.


For more information, please reach out to the instructor and coordinator: Margaret Augustine ( and Donald Moses (

Free trial: Sage Research Methods Videos: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research

The Library has a free trial through May 31, 2024 to a set of about 300 streaming videos within the Sage Research Methods platform called Diversifying and Decolonizing Research .

This is a very new package so there may be some hiccups on the platform in the first few weeks.

Some examples of titles included are:

Pop-Up Surprises at Robertson Library

Classes are over, and you just have to make it through exams! The library is here to help, and not just with books and research advice. Every day between April 11th and April 21st, we'll provide some sort of treat, craft, or activity to give your brain a break. Follow @RobertsonLibrary on Instagram and Facebook so you never miss a Pop-Up Surprise.

We'll also be transforming the library lounge into the Stress-Free Zone for the duration of exams. Relax with colouring pages, yarn, origami, and so much more! 

Good luck on your finals!

Total Solar Eclipse, April 8, 2024

On Monday, April 8, 2024, Islanders will experience our first total solar eclipse since July 1972! The eclipse will be seen over UPEI's Charlottetown campus between 3:28:08 pm and 5:43:58 pm, with a peak of 99.56% totality expected at 4:38:16 pm, according to Astronomy @ UPEI Physics. For more information, including how to create your own pinhole projector, see their webpage, "Safe Solar Eclipse Viewing," at Remember: never look directly at the sun, and keep your camera safe, too.

Free Trial: Sage Video: Social Justice Collection 2024

The library is running a free trial, through May 31, 2024, of a new video database from Sage, with 129 videos and growing:

Social Justice Collection 2024

To provide feedback as to whether you would like the Library to license this after the trial, please email your subject librarian or

Sage describes it as:

RL/ISO Movie Night

Join the International Student Office and the Robertson Library on Tuesday, March 19 as we present What Walaa Wants. RL 264, 6:00 pm

Network interruption Sunday, Feb. 25, 7:30 AM-9:30 AM

ITSS will be performing network maintenance Sunday, Feb. 25 between 7:30 AM-9:30 AM. There will be intermittent outages on the university network which will impact library services.

This is a continuation of work to upgrade and apply security updates to the university's network.

Postcards Home

Monday February 12, 11a-1p, Robertson Library lobby

Black History Month Film Screening

Monday, February 24 at 12:30p, Robertson Library Room 235

Did You Know? Robertson Library Online Rooms

Did you know that the Robertson Library has single rooms that have been designated for UPEI students taking an online course and need a space equipped with a computer to synchronously participate in their online course? That’s why we call them Online Rooms!

Gina*matimg: A Time of Learning screening at UPEI

Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
UPEI, 242 MacDougall Hall

Black History Month 2024

February 2024

APA Academic Writer - free trial through March 28

The Library is running a free trial of the American Psyschological Association's subscription tool, Academic Writer, from January 29 through March 28, 2024.

Stress Free Zone @ Robertson Library and Pop-up Surprises

Stress Free Zone @ Robertson Library & Pop-up Surprises

2023 Governor General Literary Awards and Scotiabank Giller Prize

Embrace your love of reading! Check out our book display and find your next great book!

SIAM Free Trial (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Access SIAM books and journals through March 8, 2024
Robertson Library Adopts New Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Robertson Library has a new Strategic Plan, to run from now through 2026.
Canada Commons Government (Free trial through Dec 15)
About 600,000 Canadian federal, provincial, and municipal documents and NGO provided reports integrated into our CanadaCommons ebook platform.
Interlibrary Loan unavailable August 12

ILL will be unavailable for requesting and request processing from Saturday 12 August 6:00 a.m. (EDT) to Sunday 13 August 6:00 a.m. (EDT).

Robertson Library website upgrade

The library website was upgraded.

If you have questions or encounter any issues please report them at Library Feedback.

Find ebooks and streaming videos in OneSearch

As of approximately June 19, ebooks and streaming videos will no longer be findable in the Library's Online Catalogue. Instead, you should use OneSearch to find them.

Easter Weekend Hours, April 7 - April 10

Good Friday closed, Saturday 10am-5pm, Easter Sunday 10am-5pm, Easter Monday closed.

Happy Easter!

Past Canada Games On-Campus

In recognition of the 2023 Jeux du Canada Games, the current Library lobby display features material from our PEI Collection and University Archives documenting the Games' past visits to our Province -- and our campus.

Newsbank Full Text Newspapers

Search Canadian regional news and world news sources:  Access World News Canada 2023, through March 2024.

Use this link to search PEI local news sources (Charlottetown Guardian, Summerside Journal-Pioneer, Saltwire, 2017+ only).

Library Closed Islander Day

Happy Islander Day, Monday, February 20th!

Send A Postcard Home!

Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 11 am - 1 pm, Library
Postcards are FREE - and we'll mail your postcard for FREE!

Robertson Celebrates Black History Month!

February is Black History Month. Celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities!

Bell Let's Talk Day - Wednesday, Jan. 25th

Drop by our Bell Let's Talk information table. Fill out a Bell Let’s Talk Speech Bubble, and receive a FREE Bell Let’s Talk toque or reusable bag!  Wednesday, 11 am - 1 pm.

Book Display - Award-Winning Canadian Literature

Check out the finalists and winners of the 2022 Governor General’s Literary Awards (GGBooks) & Scotiabank Giller Prize.

Library Extended Hours in December

The Library will be open the following hours during the exam period: Dec. 10 - 18, Monday-Friday: 8 am-11 pm, Saturday-Sunday: 9 am-11 pm; Monday, Dec. 19: 8 am-8 pm.  Good luck with your exams!

Network interruption Sunday, Nov. 20, 8-10 AM

Rolling outages will impact most library services including the Library website. Evergreen, EZProxy, CAIRN and Virtual Research Environments will also be impacted. This interruption will allow for IT Systems and Services to replace core infrastructure. 

For more information see Message from ITSS: Network maintenance on Sunday, November 20

Governor General’s Literary Awards & Scotiabank Giller Prize: 2021 Finalists & Winner/s

Check out our book display in the Library foyer for award-winning Canadian literature.

Library Closed Remembrance Day, Friday, Nov. 11

Veterans' Week November 5 -11; National Indigenous Veterans' Day November 8; Remembrance Day November 11


Send a Postcard Home!

Wednesday, Oct. 19th,11 am – 2 pm, Library Foyer, Main Level
Postcards are FREE - and we'll mail your postcard for FREE!

Celebrate Mi’kmaq History Month!

October 1 is the start of Mi’kmaq History Month!

Library Closed Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 10th!