
Book a Library tour for January 2016!

Come take a tour in January 2016 to learn about the Library's resources AND be entered to win weekly prizes!

Tours start January 3, 2016 and are available throughout the month on weekdays, evenings, and weekends.

Tour length: 30-40 minutes

Book online now!


Book a Library tour for January 2016!

Come take a tour in January 2016 to learn about the Library's resources AND be entered to win weekly prizes!

Tours start January 3, 2016 and are available throughout the month on weekdays, evenings, and weekends.

Tour length: 30-40 minutes

Book online now!

Food for Fines Dec. 9-19

Do you have library fines? Would you like to help a fellow student or family on Campus?

Bring 1 to 5 non-perishable food or grocery items (e.g. canned goods, pasta, light bulbs, toilet paper, etc.- please no damaged, expired, or opened goods) for the Campus Food Bank to the Circulation Desk at the Library from Wednesday, December 9 to Saturday, December 19 and we’ll deduct $2.00 per item (up to $10.00) from your library fines.

Library Open Extended Hours Fri, Sat, Sun through Dec 18

The Library is opening earlier on Saturdays and Sundays and staying open later on Fridays and Saturdays through December 18th.

From today through December 18th, the hours are:

Monday - Friday  8 am - 11 pm

Saturday - Sunday  9 am - 11 pm

Full Library hours are available at

Good luck with your exams!

Free Trial - Streaming Films

The Library is conducting a free trial of Kanopy Streaming Films through late December, 2015.

Kanopy hosts over 13,000 films, mostly documentaries and other non-fiction format videos.

They are searchable by keyword or browseable by subject area.

Here are links to just a few sample specific areas:

Library Open Nov. 11, Remembrance Day, Noon-10pm

Robertson Libary will be open 12:00 noon - 10:00 pm on Remembrance Day, Wednesday, November 11th.

Lest We Forget. 

Grammarly now available for UPEI students, staff, and faculty

Grammarly, an automated editing and revision tool, is now freely available to all UPEI students, staff, and faculty. Simply upload your writing and Grammarly will check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and style This service allows users to proactively correct their work--whether that be a research essay, a business report, or creative writing--before it's submitted.  

Please see our Grammarly tutorial for more information on how to sign up and how to use Grammarly. 

Want cake? Play the Portals game.

What's up with the whiteboard in the Learning Commons? Is there science being done at Robertson Laboratories? Most importantly, will there be cake?

Find out by opening the last portals!

What is Open Data? - Slides available

Peter Rukavina - the Robertson Library's Hacker-in-Residence has posted slides from his talk - What is Open Data?  as part of the International Open Access Week celebrations at the Robertson Library.  It was a really informative and inspiring presentation.

Open Data Session - Peter Rukavina Oct 22, 2015 7:00 pm

Please join us for a presentation on 

Speaker: Peter Rukavina, Robertson Library’s Hacker in Residence
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Robertson Library, Rm 312 (Upper Level)

The speaker will present a tour of his work in open data/open government over the last decade, including provincial and municipal examples, and focusing on how open data can be used by citizens to good end. - Launch Oct 21, 2015 at 12:30 pm

Please join us for the launch of data.upei.caUPEI’s New Research Data Management Site

Speaker: Mark Leggott, University Librarian
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Time: 12:30 pm
Place: Robertson Library LINC (Rm 265)

The session will provide an overview of open data and the new suite of RDM tools and services for UPEI researchers and graduate students.

The Library Tour Grand Prize winner is Amber Ellsworth!

Congratulations to Amber Ellsworth, who won the grand prize of a Samsung tablet for participating in a Library Tour last month!

Thanks to everyone who took a tour; we hope you had an enjoyable experience. If you missed the opportunity for a tour of the Library, we will be offering more tours in January 2016, so stay tuned for dates and times!

Library Open Thanksgiving Day (Monday, Oct. 12) Noon - 10 pm

Robertson Library will be open 12:00 Noon - 10:00 pm on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 12th.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Indian School Road reading - today Friday Sept. 18th

From UPEI Campus News...

MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing: Deadline October 6

From UPEI Campus News ... 

In July 2011, the family of Harry and Marjorie MacLauchlan of Stanhope, PEI made another leadership gift to UPEI to create a substantial program of awards to encourage and recognize student writing achievement. The gift is to honour H. Wade MacLauchlan’s twelve years of service as UPEI president and vice-chancellor, and to recognize the importance of effective writing as a foundational skill for academic success and lifelong learning.  

Hajj is the week of Sept 20, learn more...

The annual Hajj pilgrimage, one of the 5 pillars of Islam, will take place the week of Sept 20, 2015.

Learn more about it with the Credo Reference Topic Page about the Hajj and the Credo Reference Topic Page about Mecca.

Library Orientation Tours - September 2015

Learn about the Library's resources AND be entered to win a $50 gift card AND a Samsung tablet!

Weekdays, evenings, and weekends

Tour length: 30-40 minutes

Book a library tour now!

Current Periodicals now behind Samuel's

All Current Periodicals have been moved to the main floor, behind Samuel's and next to the Reference Collection.

Central Printing Hours Tues/Wed/Thurs only 8am-3:30pm

Starting July 2 and until further notice, Central Printing is closed on Monday and Friday, and open Tues, Wed, and Thurs from 8am - 3:30pm.  Call ahead Wendy Henderson x0558 for possible changes.


NOTE:  Regular student/public self-serve printing is not affected by this and continues to be available all library hours.

Sarah Fisher presenting at Books, Publishing and Libraries Conference

Sarah Fisher, Robertson Library Circulation Department, is presenting on the Library's BookLives project at the Books, Publishing and Libraries Conference in Vancouver, October 19-20, 2015. Sarah's presentation is titled Researching and Documenting the Book as an Evolving Artifact of History. BookLives is a new project that Sarah championed which will cameo special books from the Library's collection that tell the story of the owner (or owners) via bookplates, inserted letters and more.

ScienceDirect down Sat Aug 1 5pm - 10pm

The ScienceDirect platform of full text journals and ebooks will be down for vendor-scheduled system maintenance starting at 5pm for approximately 4.5 hours (estimated by the vendor).

Proquest and Ebrary unavailable overnight Aug 8

On Saturday August 8 starting at 11pm for about 8 hours, all Proquest databases, which includes all eBrary ebooks, will be unavailable due to s scheduled system maintenance.

Tourism PEI provides beach safety info on web

A "beach reports" website now advises PEI beachgoers on safety conditions daily/

From the government press release:

"Surf lifeguards at supervised provincial park beaches update conditions on-line as needed. The first update is made each morning so beach goers have the best information possible before they head out for the day."


The staff at Robertson Library wish everyone a fun, happy, and safe summer!

Tri-Agency Open Access Policy - webinar June 26, 1pm


See the notice from Research Services UPEI for more information. 

Date and Time: Friday, June 26, 2015 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: Robertson Library LINC, Room 265

Library Services Reduced Wed June 17, CPO Closed

Due to a staff retreat, Robertson Library services will be reduced to Circulation only for the entire day, Wednesday, June 17.

The Information Desk (research assistance and technical support) and Central Printing will be closed all day.

The Circulation staff will only be able to provide minimal technical assistance. They will be able to checkout and renew books, laptops, etc.

Thank you for your patience!!

Research finds Google Scholar better than Web of Science
Journal of Academic Librarianship 

Volume 41, Issue 3, May 2015, Pages 322–329

Simona Stirbu, Paul Thirion, Serge Schmitz, Gentiane Haesbroeck, Ninfa Greco 
Library Closed - Victoria Day

Robertson Library will be closed on Monday, May 20th for Victoria Day. 

However, note that we will be open as usual on Sunday, May 19th.


Check out our hours for more details.

Happy Victoria Day!

Learn About Mi'kmaq Culture and History

The Library is pleased to be able to host a beautiful exhibit featuring information and images of Mi'kmaq history and culture. The set of 3 displays is installed in the Learning Commons, just beside the printers. Come over and grab a coffee at Samuels and learn how to say "Hi" in Mi'kmaq, and much more! The exihibit was designed by the Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI and is here until the end of June.

UPEI RefWorks migration - May 14

Notice to UPEI RefWorks users


UPEI to launch 'Bowing Down Home' website at several events

UPEI’s Robertson Library and the Canadian Museum of History are proud to announce that the launch of a new website,, will take place at a series of events across the province in early April. The website is devoted to Prince Edward Island fiddling traditions.

The launch parties, fittingly being held at community halls, will include presentations about the website, refreshments, and ceilidhs, featuring fiddlers whose music appears on the site. Events start at 7:30 pm with doors opening at 7:00 pm:

Library Extended Hours April 10 - May 1

Robertson Library will be open extended hours April 10 - May 1.

Monday - Friday -- 8 am - 11 pm
Saturday & Sunday -- 9 am - 11 pm

Good luck with your exams!

Library Open Easter Weekend

Robertson Library will be open on Easter weekend, April 3-6, the following hours:

Good Friday --  12:00 noon - 5:00 pm
Saturday -- 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Easter Sunday --  12:00 noon - 10:00 pm
Easter Monday -- 12:00 noon - 10:00 pm

Happy Easter!

EBSCO connection problems (EBSCOhost, OneSearch)

There are connection problems affecting EBSCO databases (including OneSearch) and there may continue to be periods of extreme slowdown or connection timeout.

We will update this notice when it appears to be fixed.

[Last update: Wednesday 8:13pm by librarian Melissa Belvadi - The problem appears to be between major segments of the network between UPEI and EBSCO, not actually at EBSCO itself. The appropriate network people have been notified.]

Samuel's Cafe has reduced hours this week

Samuel's Café in the Robertson Library will be operating on reduced hours. 

It will be closing at 4:00pm Monday to Thursday, and at 3:00pm on Friday. 

The Café will resume regular hours of operation beginning Monday, March 2.  This reduction does not affect the Library's hours, at all.

Book Sale Friday, March 6 and Saturday, March 7

Books Beyond Your imagination!

Robertson Library, in conjunction with the UPEI Biology Society, will be holding a used book sale on Friday, March 6, noon - 6 pm and Saturday, March 7, 10 am - 3 pm in Room 302/303 (Upper Level) of the Robertson Library. (Storm date the following weekend, same time.)

Come and browse through a great collection of books - there's something for everyone. Our prices are great too!

Library Overdue Notices ... and Overdue Fines Accruing

Since early January, the Robertson Library has been unable to compile and distribute overdue and courtesy notices for material borrowed from the Library.  As a stopgap solution, we have been manually renewing items whose due date was in Dec/January, with the hope that this situation would be quickly resolved. However, the issue is proving perverse and is taking longer.  Given this extended interruption, some overdue material may be beyond their renew limits and so, unfortunately, overdue charges will soon begin. 

Jan 28 - The Library is remaining open for the evening

Classes were cancelled as of 4:30 today (Jan 28th), but the Library is remaining open for normal hours (11:00 PM closing).

Central Printing hours M-F 8-noon thru Apr 30

The Central Printing Office will be open for service Monday - Friday 8am - noon starting January 26, until April 30.  Completed work can be picked up at the Service Desk during other library open hours.

Upgrade update: Library Catalogue available again

Update Sunday Jan. 4th - 8:00pm:
We've done our initial testing and have made the catalogue available once again.  Some features (eg. renewing materials) are still unavailable and we hope to have that functionality available this coming week. Please report any issues to Donald Moses -

Library Orientation Tours in January

Take advantage of one of the Library Orientation Tours offered throughout January.  Find out how to find your way around the Library, and what resources and services are offered. (Be sure to fill out a ballot to win a prize.) 

Pre-registration is not required; simply show up in the lobby of the Library on the Main Level 10 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled tour.

Tours last 30 - 40 minutes. 

Scheduled Library Orientation Tours - January 2015

Catalogue Upgrade

Starting December 14th, the Robertson Library will be upgrading systems software to the latest versions and one of the services impacted will be the online catalogue. During the upgrade you will still be able to search, but many other functions will not be available.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  If you have questions, please contact Donald Moses (

Library Open Extended Hours Fri, Sat, Sun through Dec 12

The Library is opening earlier on Saturday and Sunday and staying open later on Fridays and Saturdays through December 12.

From today through December 12, the hours are:

Mon-Fri 8am - 11pm

Sat-Sun 9am - 11pm

Library Open Nov 11 Remembrance Day Noon-10pm

Robertson Library will be open Remembrance Day (Tuesday, November 11th) 12:00 noon - 10 pm.

Lest We Forget.

Useful Resources: Contemporary Musicians

Contemporary Musicians provides "biographical information on important figures in today's musical arena, covering artists working in all genres of modern music, including rock, jazz, pop, rap, rhythm and blues, folk, New Age, country, gospel and reggae." Contemporary Musicians is a citable, authoritative source of information that should be considered if you are working on term papers and need "scholarly" sources.

Open Access Week 2014 @ UPEI

2014 International Open Access Week   October 20 - 26, 2014    

UPEI Events

"Generation Open"
Live Webcast - Kickoff Event
Date: Monday October 20, 2014
Time: 4:00-5:00 pm
Place: Robertson Library Room 265 (LINC)
Join us to view the live webcast!

Library Orientation Tour Winners!

Robertson Library is pleased to announce the winners of the September 2104 Library Orientation Tour draw!

The winners of a $15.00 gift card to the UPEI bookstore are Ying Tian and Elizabeth Iwunwa.

The grand winner of the iPad mini is Marie Charles.

Congratulations to our winners!

Open Thanksgiving Day Noon - 10 pm

Robertson Library will be open 12:00 noon - 10:00 pm on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 13th.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Database Trial - Odesi (Data Extraction Service)

Access the Odesi free trial until October 20, 2014. 

Odesi (Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure) is a web-based data exploration, extraction and analysis tool that provides access to data files including Statistics Canada survey microdata and aggregate data. 

Feedback welcome! Contact Donald Moses

New AccessEngineering Database

Try out our new Engineering Database: AccessEngineering is an award-winning engineering reference tool for professionals, academics, and students that provides seamless access to the world's best-known, most-used collection of authoritative, regularly updated engineering reference information.  AccessEngineering also comprises dynamic online features, such as instructional, faculty made videos, calculators, interactive tables and charts, as well as personalization tools allowing users to organize crucial project information as they work. 

Bookable Study Rooms - No Keys Needed!

As part of implementing the new online room booking system, you no longer need to stop at the Circulation Desk to pick up the room key. Just go to the room you booked at your scheduled time!

Please be sure to leave the room by the end of your scheduled time.

Because the rooms are no longer locked, the library staff advise you not to leave valuables unattended.

More information about study rooms