Annual Review of Psychology
Summarizes and critically reviews the best work in all areas of psychology. Tables of Contents are provided 1950-1995; full text is available 1996-.
Academic Collection Complete (Proquest)
Search/browse the UPEI Proquest Ebook Central e-book collection of over 250,000 books. Also discoverable in Publication Finder (for specific titles) and OneSearch.
Academic Videos Online (Proquest)
Over 60,000 academic videos.
The AVON database and videos are accessible through both the Alexander Street Press (ASP) platform and the Proquest Research platform.
The Proquest platform (the primary link) provides much better search capabilities, so that is the primary link we provide here.
Direct links to individual videos via OneSearch and Publication Finder will go to the ASP platform, as that platform has better features for making clips and persistent links to a specific time within the video.
Alexander Street Press Platform links:
Gale OneFile: Psychology
Psychology provides access to academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality, and the human mind. The database offers content of interest to both researchers and general users.
(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)
Canadian Business & Current Affairs
Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) Complete; despite its name, it encompasses all subject areas, with Canadian focus, and peer-reviewed as well as popular magazine and news sources.
Proquest's Guide to CBCA (note the tabs along the top for different parts of the guide)
Dissertations & Theses @ University of Prince Edward Island
This Proquest database contains citations, abstracts, and the full text of dissertations and theses published at UPEI from 1996 - 2014.
For more recent access, UPEI also provides many of its theses in full text through its own institutional repository, IslandScholar .
For finding UPEI and non-UPEI dissertations, see also Open Dissertations (EBSCO) and Open Access Theses and Dissertations.
You can also find many using OneSearch - look in the detailed record (by clicking on its title) and see if a URL is provided near the bottom of the record for a source of free full text access.
Provides access to education literature and resources. Contains 1.3 million+ records and links to 323,000+ fulltext documents from ERIC back to 1966.
ERIC via the U.S. Dept of Education
Provides citations back to 1966. Most documents issued from 1993-present are freely available online.
Contains citations to research articles from over 13,500 scholarly & popular journals. Coverage includes the humanities, social sciences & science.
Medline Ultimate
Medline (on the EBSCO platform) with access to extensive full text of approximately ~5100 journals (as of December 2023). More details available from EBSCO
OneSearch (EBSCO EDS - Proxied)
OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) searches most of Robertson Library's licensed content in a single search.
If you bookmarked a page or copied the URL from OneSearch/EBSCOhost and find it has expired, sometimes, but not always, it's possible to recreate a working link from a bad one. If it's possible, this tool will do it.
(The link from here also will expire, so be sure to update your bookmark with the permalink!)
Paste a broken EBSCO URL, then press Enter and hope for the best:
Oxford Academic
Oxford journals (about 240) and ebooks purchased from Oxford. This does NOT include the Oxford English Dictionary which is on its own platform.
Provides full text articles in the field of psychology. Includes the articles from approximately 80 journals published by APA & allied organizations.
A collection of 100 videos relating to clinical psychology practice, selected by the UPEI Clinical Psychology faculty and psychology librarian from the larger set available on that platform.
The list of specific videos changes annually on April 1 based on usage and requests.
To provide feedback about the selected videos, or to request other videos, please contact the psychology librarian, Melissa Belvadi .
Contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports in the field of psychology.
PsycINFO through EBSCO is integrated in OneSearch, along with APA PsycArticles and many other psychology-related resources.
Note: UPEI students, faculty, and staff are eligible through the main EBSCO subscription to PsycINFO to also access the PsycINFO Research Service at including the features listed below. To use it, go to the site and sign up for an individual account, providing your UPEI email address. Use the EBSCO access for actually searching the PsycINFO database itself.
According to the APA contact, the PsycInfo research service on APA's platform provides access to the following:
A free subscription-based research notification service Access to APA PsycInfo (journal articles, books, dissertations), pre-publications, conference information, and PubMed data Explore Journal Feature Topic Mapper Author Mapper and Author Info Pages Citation Mapper Analyze and Filter Feature Access to browse functionality for journals, books, and dissertation capabilities Various tools to export, email, print, and share If you have any questions about APA products on either the EBSCO or APA platforms, contact the psychology librarian, Melissa Belvadi
Contains over 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals & online books.
If you want to make a personal account within PubMed, go there using this unproxied link first, and then you can use the "more login options" to find University of Prince Edward Island (under U) and login via your campus account, or you can use one of the other options like Google or Microsoft with your personal (not UPEI) Google/Microsoft account.
SAGE Premier Collection
Full text of over 600 journals published by SAGE in the fields of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology, and Medicine.
Sage Research Methods
SAGE Research Methods supports beginning and advanced researchers in every step of a research project, from writing a research question, choosing a method, gathering and analyzing data, to writing up and publishing the findings. With information on the full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioral sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences, the book, reference, and journal content in SAGE Research Methods—from SAGE’s renowned methods publishing program— and advanced features help researchers of all levels conduct their research.
The Library has purchased two of the components of this large suite of online products, plus the Core package of books and journals:
Content of the Core:
"Little Green Books" - quantitative methods "Little Blue Books" - qualitative methods Videos - 83 videos about research methods Methods Maps - Explore the research methods terrain, read definitions of key terminology, and discover content relevant to your research methods journey. Project Planner - Find all you need to know to plan your research project "Which Stats" Test - Choose an appropriate statistical method using this straightforward tool UPEI will get access to new content added annually to the Core through 2027, typically 50+ items per year.
Sage Research Methods Foundations
SAGE Research Methods Foundations is a large series of extended articles/short books edited by Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug & Richard A. Williams. It is the perfect companion for novice researchers and provides bite-size, introductory overviews to all the major methods topics to help get you on your way. The entries give introductory overviews to major research methods, covering their history, development and critical debates surrounding them.
Some examples of topics covered include:
Item Response Theory
Analysing Administrative Data
Case-Based Methods
Case Study
Content Analysis, Quantitative
Critical Discourse Analysis
Agent Based Models
Analysis of Proportions
Analysis of Rare Events
Archiving Qualitative Data
Arts-Based Research
Bayesian Statistics
Bibliometric Indicators
See also: SRM Videos: Practical Research and Academic Skills , SRM main page with Core information
SAGE Research Methods Video: Practical Research and Academic Skills
This collection of over 450 streaming videos on the SAGE Research Methods platform offers support on the practical skills that you need to successfully complete your research. Key areas such as writing a research proposal, planning and designing a research project, and securing ethical approval are explicitly covered. Practical skills such as project management, writing for publication, presenting work, and building networks are also presented through helpful explanatory videos. This video collection will give you the confidence to successfully navigate your research, take responsibility for your professional development and identify the transferable skills needed to progress your careers.
Topics covered in the videos include:
Project Management Writing a research proposal Securing ethical approval Writing for publication Computer applications Applied research Research careers & building networks Presenting at conferences Building Networks and many more topics There are more research methods videos in the SRM Core package
Provides full text to peer-reviewed journals from Elsevier Science, including a large number of journals in the life sciences.
Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Access the Elsevier Scopus guide for information about searching.
Coming soon: the UPEI librarians are developing a own localized scopus advanced search tips guide .
If you want to search for publications by UPEI authors, you can add these pieces to your Advanced search:
AF-ID ( "University of Prince Edward Island" 60007655 ) = UPEI (except AVC)
AF-ID("University of Prince Edward Island Atlantic Veterinary College" 60005845) = Atlantic Veterinary College
Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar is a free database of millions of scholarly publications in the fields of computer science and neuroscience. Most of the indexed content is open access, although some content may require use of Interlibrary Loan to get the full text.
As a joint project of Microsoft, Google, and Baidu, it offers a significantly more sophisticated search engine than Google Scholar for these fields including advanced filters designed specifically for those knowledge domains.
Springer LINK
Contains over 1,900 full text electronic journals from the areas of science, technology, medicine, engineering, environment, economics, and law.
Wiley Online
Wiley Online is a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. The Library subscribes to a large subset of the journals published by Wiley, but not all of them. As of Winter 2019, the Library also provides access to over 20,000 Wiley ebooks, which is most but not all of them. The Library is unable to provide access to Wiley Textbooks.
Browse the list of Wiley journals available through UPEI (also includes older Blackwell titles, which Wiley bought)
Web of Science (Backfile)
Backfile thru December 2009 for Web of Science (WOS) Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) & Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Why just the backfile? See the Web of Science Subscription 2010 .
Psychiatry Online
American Psychiatric Association (not to be confused with the American Psychological Association, who publishes the Publication Manual of the APA and PsycINFO)
UPEI subscribes to the Psychiatry Online (POL) Premium package with the DSM-V add on, which means full text access to the DSM-V including its associated handbooks.
This package is described by the publisher as:
The PsychiatryOnline Premium collection covers diagnosis and differential diagnosis, case vignettes to bring abstract concepts to life, multidisciplinary treatment guidelines, the latest research – all within a single search and navigation interface that integrates journals and books. Sophisticated semantic indexing based on the National Library of Medicine's Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) yields more relevant hits and directs users to related content from wherever they are in the site.
Included: DSM-5®, DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, DSM-5® Clinical Cases APP Practice Guidelines Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 7th edition The APP Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th edition & study guide Self-Assessment in Psychiatry Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments The APP Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment, 4th edition & study guide Gabbard’s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, 5th edition Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury, 2nd edition Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & study guide The APP Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 4th edition & study guide The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, 4th edition & study guide Helping Parents, Youth, & Teachers Understand Medications for Behavioral & Emotional Problems What Your Patients Need to Know About Psychiatric Medications Book of the Month - a top-selling selection from APP each month for 12 months Four peer-reviewed journals (access includes 1997-Present): The American Journal of Psychiatry Psychiatric Services Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Psychiatric News
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
SSRN is an open access research platform used to share early-stage research, evolve ideas, measure results, and connect scholars around the world. Provides early access to scholarship by publishing article abstracts and full-text access to preprints/working papers for over 1.4 million articles from most academic fields, not just the social sciences.
Some full text content requires paid subscription but most is free, but may require free account registration.
SSRN includes "special topic hubs " collating articles on topics from Covid-19 and mpox to cryptocurrency and motherhood.
SSRN is owned by Elsevier.