PsycINFO subject terms relating to treatment or therapy

Here is a list of thesaurus terms that you may want to include when looking for treatment/therapy options, in combination with the "concept box" for the specific disorder, patient demographic, etc.
Use whichever of these terms you consider relevant.
Note that "therapy" when used in the subject field includes a long list of specific types of therapy.

DE treatment OR DE therapy OR DE psychotherapy OR DE psychotherapeutic  OR DE psychoanalysis OR DE cotherapy OR DE bibliotherapy OR DE intervention* OR DE "anxiety management" OR DE counseling OR DE psychoeducation OR DE habilitation OR DE rehabilitation OR DE aftercare OR DE hospitalization OR DE hydrotherapy OR DE hypnotherapy OR DE phototherapy OR DE immunotherapy OR DE logotherapy OR DE neurotherapy OR DE "client education" OR DE sociotherapy

If using this in a database other than EBSCO's APA PsycINFO (e.g. PubMed, OneSearch, other platforms' PsycINFO etc.), use this version without the DE's:

treatment OR therapy OR psychotherapy OR psychotherapeutic OR psychoanalysis OR cotherapy OR bibliotherapy OR intervention* OR "anxiety management" OR counseling OR psychoeducation OR habilitation OR rehabilitation OR aftercare OR hospitalization OR hydrotherapy OR hypnotherapy OR phototherapy OR immunotherapy OR logotherapy OR neurotherapy OR "client education" OR sociotherapy
