Psychology 4810 Resources
Distinguish primary sources in the historical sense from secondary sources about the history of a concept.
General books about the history of psychology
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (9 vols, 2008)- has entries on many psych concepts and includes references to original/seminal works in each entry. The library also has the original 1968 print edition in Reference, H40.A2I5 (19 vols) for comparison.
DSM history - The Library has the original DSM (1952) as well as III, IV, and V in print (and V now online)
Finding articles about a particular topic in psychology:
- Use the Thesaurus to identify when a particular term was added to the subject vocabulary and see the older terms under "Used For" (note that newer terms are retroactively applied to older publications)
- Use date range limiter to find just recent, then just older, articles and book chapters
- Look for older terms using field limiters, eg: TI asperger* OR AB asperger* to find the word in the title or abstract (use quotation marks around phrases)
- Use to find books, ebooks, more articles on your specific topic, eg: histor* N3 asperger* for secondary sources
- Use the date range limiter to find primary sources in various time periods
- To limit to books, add to your search in a separate box: PT book OR PT ebook
- To limit to English materials, add to your search in a separate box: LA english
