There are many WWW sites relating to Canadian Politics. To locate authoritative sites look for those created by professional organizations, academic institutions, research agencies, and government departments. Evaluate the sites with a view to accuracy and currency.
American Political Science Association
Provides information on political science departments, conferences, grants and fellowships. Includes thirty-four groups "organized around common scholarly and professional interests".
Canada's Digital Collections
The collection held by Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is the shared documentary heritage of all Canadians. A national treasure of inestimable value, it spans the entire history of Canada, and comprises materials in all media from all parts of the country, as well as records and publications of Canadian interest from outside the country.
Canadian Political Science Association
Provides links to information about the Canadian Political Science Association and its activities and resources. The site is divided into ten categories. Also provides links to provincial, regional and international associations.
Canadian Politics on the Web
Provides annotated links to information on Canadian politics including The Constitution, The Executive, The Legal System, Civil Rights, Political Parties, Elections, Interest Groups, Women in Politics, Aboriginal Issues, Federalism, Quebec & National Unity, Canadian Foreign Policy and National Defense, and Media and Public Opinion Polls.
Departments and Agencies
Provides direct links to the primary Web sites of Government of Canada departments and agencies, as well as links to Web sites maintained by organizations for which various departments and agencies are responsible.
Department of Justice
Provides access to the Consolidated Statutes and Regulations of Canada. Access points include: By title; By subject; Non-Statutory Regulations; and Repealed Acts. Also includes links to Constitutional Texts, Major Statutes, Related Statutory Resources and Frequently accessed Statutes.
Early Canadiana Online
Provides Web access to a digital library of sources covering Canada's published heritage. It contains works published from the time of the first European settlers up to the early 20th Century. Collections include: Canadian Women's History; Champlain Society Publications; Colonial Government Journals; English Canadian Literature; History of French Canada; Hudson's Bay Company; Jesuit Relations; and Native Studies. The Collection in searchable.
Elections Canada
Provides information on all aspects of the Canadian electoral system including: official voting results; registered political parties; electoral districts; election financing; and readjustment of electoral boundaries.
Finding Canadian Government Information on the Internet: A Look at Four Principal Sites and Their Initiatives
Serves as a reference guide to publicly available government information, providing access to a wealth of Internet-based resources. Edited by Anita Cannon, reference librarian at Mount Allison University.
Government Electronic Directory Services (GEDS)
Provides an integrated directory of federal public servants. Searchable by name either as a general search or within a specific department/organization.
Government of Canada
Provides information about Canadian institutions -Parliament, the ministry, the Prime Minister, the Supreme Court, and the Auditor General. Includes information about Canadian symbols and extensive links to Canadian Federal Institutions. Also includes pointers to provincial and territorial pages, and an intergovernmental online information kiosk with pointers to federal, provincial and municipal pages.
Governments on the World Wide Web
Provides links to government web sites, parliaments, law courts, heads of state, political parties and elections, embassies, and city councils for over 200 countries. Also, includes links to political parties, party alliances parliamentary groups, and youth organizations of political parties on a national level.
Index to Federal Royal Commissions
"Provides author and keyword access to materials associated with more than 200 federal Royal Commissions that have taken place since Confederation. There are approximately 6800 items in the index that includes commission reports, briefs, submissions, evidence, working papers and other documents."
International Political Science Association
Provides access to international organizations and foreign governments as well many links to major political science related sites. Includes a classified subject guide to politics.
Internet Scout - Scout Archives
"The Scout Report is the flagship publication of the Internet Scout Research Group. Published every Friday both on the Web and by email subscription, it provides a fast, convenient way to stay informed of valuable STEM and humanities resources on the Internet. Our team of librarians and subject matter experts selects, researches, and annotates each resource. Published continuously since 1994, the Scout Report is one of the Internet's oldest and most respected publications." (Internet Scout - Scout Archives). Search the Archives, Advanced Search, and Browse Resources (broad Subject Headings) options are available.
Provides access to information about the Canadian justice and legal system including Canadian provincial statutes, regulations, Supreme Court of Canada judgments. The site has five main categories: Canadian Law, Law-Related Services, Resource Centre, Public Legal Education, and Research. The Keyword Search has a predefined list of keywords. The site also includes a Special Topics section. Available in both official languages. This site was formerly known as Access to Justice Network (AJCNet).
Library and Archives Canada - Discover the Collection: Politics and Government
Provides a selective collection of links to databases, resources, and virtual exhibitions, including Cabinet Conclusions, A Real Companion and Friend: The Diaries of William Lyon Mackenzie King, Government of Canada Files, Index to Federal Royal Commissions, Orders-in-Council, Prime Ministers' Fonds, Private Archives and Colonial Records, and Sir John A. Macdonald: Canada’s Patriot Statesman.
Parliamentary Internet
Provides access to information on the Canadian Parliament. The site was created and is maintained jointly by the Senate, the House of Commons and the Library of Parliament. Provides access to a collection of official publications from the Senate and the House of Commons and transcripts of the Parliamentary proceedings (Hansard).
PARLINE database on national parliaments
The PARLINE database (a derivative of Parliaments on-Line) has been developed by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and is regularly updated on the basis of official information provided by national Parliaments. Whenever other sources of information are used, as is the case with preliminary results of parliamentary elections in some countries before comprehensive official results are made public, these alternative sources are indicated accordingly. For all countries where a national legislature exists, the database provides: General information on each of the Parliament's chambers; Description of the electoral system; Results of the most recent elections; Information on the presidency of each Chamber; Information on the mandate and status of members of Parliament". (Web page).
Political Databases of the Americas
"Provided as part of a joint project by Georgetown University's Resource Unit on Democratic Governability at the Center for Latin American Studies, the Organization of American States (OAS), and the Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL), this database offers documentary and statistical political information for scholars and politicians studying democracy in Latin America. Data includes constitutions, electoral laws, legislative and executive branch information and election data. Users can browse by topic or conduct a keyword search of the database. The site also houses a collection of related links, including sources for current events and breaking news in Latin America". (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2000.
Political Parties in Canada
Provides links to federal and provincial parties.
Political Resources on the Net
Provides "listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to parties, organizations, governments, media and more from all around the world." (From the web page). This site is searchable with some annotations.
Provincial and Territorial Governments
Provides links to the official government Web sites of all Canada's provinces and territories.
Scholarly Societies Project - Political Science
The Scholarly Resources Project sponsored by the University of Waterloo Library consists of a set of subject pages created to facilitate access to websites maintained by or for scholarly societies throughout the world. Resources of Scholarly Societies - Political Science provides links to sixty websites of scholarly societies in Political Science.
Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada is the official source for Canadian social and economic statistics and products.
Supreme Court of Canada
Provides links to Judgments, Acts and Rules and Information on Cases as well a Information About the Supreme Court. Searchable by concepts or by fields in judgments. Supreme Court reports are available from 1985 to the present.
Teaching Political Science
"The American Political Science Association (APSA) has recently launched Teaching Political Science. This rich pedagogical site provides an array of professional development opportunities for instructors and many educational resources for students of political science and civics. Included are a database of online syllabi, a collection of scholarly articles and essays, a section devoted to civic education, online access to APSA's journal, PS: political Science & Politics, and much more. Each month, the site will focus on an aspect of political science education". (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2000.
ThisNation: The American Government and Politics Portal
"ThisNation features an extensive library of major documents in American political history, including (but not nearly limited to) the Magna Carta, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, Washington's Farewell Address, The Federalist Papers, the Emancipation Proclamation, Madison's War Message of 1812, the Monroe Doctrine, the War Powers Resolution Act, over a dozen historic Supreme Court rulings, and The Atlantic Charter. The site also offers an online American Government and Politics Textbook ( that serves as an excellent primer on the American political process. In addition, the site contains learning tools designed separately for citizens, students, and teachers... and a search engine for 5,000 political websites". (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2000.
United Nations
The official homepage of the United Nations includes an introduction to the structure and work of the United Nation, a history of the United Nations, principal organs of the United Nations, and full text of the UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions and documents. It is divided into the following categories: Peace and Security, Economic and Social Development, Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs, and International Law. The site is searchable.
United Nations Scholars' Workstation at Yale University
"Developed by the Yale University Library and the Social Science Statistical Laboratory, this site is "a collection of texts, finding aids, data sets, maps, and pointers to print and electronic information. Subject coverage includes disarmament, economic and social development, environment, human rights, international relations, international trade, peacekeeping, and population and demography." The Research Tools and Research Approaches to UN information sections highlight this site. The tools sections contains links to library resources and finding aids, Internet resources, CD-ROMs and databases, numeric data, maps, recent publications, and archival resources. The approaches section describes Internet access to UN information by organizational structure, research topic, geographic area, biographical information and current US legislation." (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2000.
Web Sites of National Parliaments
Provides links to web sites of world parliaments.
Yahoo Guide to Political Science
Provides access under the following categories: Books, Church-State Issues, Conferences, Education, Electronic Texts, Institutes, International Relations, Journals, Organizations, Political Economy, Political Theory, Politics, Public Administration, Public Policy Usenet, and Web Directories.
Created by: Cathy Callaghan, B.A., M.L.S.
Date Created: 30-June-2000
Date Revised: 24-September-2013