To find books, microforms, or audiovisual materials about your subject, use the Library Catalogue. Location codes and call numbers are included for each item. Selected electronic resources are also included in the catalogue.
Examples of subject headings to check:
Federal Government -- Canada
Nationalism -- Canada
Women in Politics -- Canada
Also, specific companies/organizations, such as:
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Canadian National Railways
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
and names of specific political parties, such as:
Liberal Party of Canada
New Democratic Party
Progressive Conservative Party
Many headings are used with subdivisions, either for a particular geographical area, such as:
Political Parties -- Canada
Political Ethics -- Canada
Transfer Payments -- Prince Edward Island
or a particular topic, such as:
Caricatures and Cartoons -- Canada
Judicial Process -- Canada
Native Peoples -- Canada
For help in deciding on subject headings to check, consult the Library of Congress Subject Headings and the Canadian Subject Headings, which can be found in the hallway outside the Learning Commons.
Books (with the exception of those in Reference and Special Collections) are shelved by Library of Congress call number on the Upper Level. Microforms (microfilm and microfiche) and audiovisual materials (videocassettes, LPs, and CDs) are shelved in the Media Centre on the Main Level.
Created by: Cathy Callaghan, B.A., M.L.S.
Former Head of Reference & Circulation
Date Created: 30-June-2000
Date Revised: 10-September-2013