Finding Background Information: Canadian Politics

When you are doing research on a topic, you will often encounter unfamiliar terms, or familiar ones used in a specialized way. Dictionaries can provide a quick definition and often some elaboration on the uses of the term. Encyclopedias provide background information on unfamiliar subjects, leading you quickly to key ideas and sources in developing your topic. Handbooks give an overview of the research that has already been done in a particular area. Many encyclopedia articles and handbook entries will also include brief bibliographies which will lead you to further sources of information. Annual reviews provide information on recent progress. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and annual reviews covering Canadian political topics include:

Beauchesne's Rules and Forms of the House of Commons of Canada
Provides a compilation of the rules of practice or "standing orders" that govern the Canadian Parliamentary practice.
REF: KE4658.A354B4 1989

Canadian Annual Review
Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs (1901-1938); Canadian Annual Review (1960-1970); Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs (1971- )
Provides a survey of the major political, economic, and social issues and events of the year in comprehensive essays written by political scientists. Topics include: Canadian government and politics, social and economic events, trade, industry, finance, labour and external affairs. Discusses events in each province and at the national level. Available as an e-book from 1961 - 2001 (with the exception of 1983 and 1989) to the UPEI community. 2004 is also available as an e-book to the UPEI community.
REF: FC2.C34, REF: FC2.C35, REF: FC2.C36

Canadian Encyclopedia
Provides historical information on all aspects of life in all areas of Canada. Many of the nearly 10,000 signed articles, written by scholars, include bibliographies.
REF: FC23.C36 1988

Canadian Encyclopedia Online
"The Canadian Encyclopedia comprises the complete text and multimedia of the indispensable reference work originally published in 1985. Since the encyclopedia appeared online in 2001, it has been continuously updated and expanded."

Canadian Government and Politics: Institutions and Processes
Provides comprehensive coverage of institutions and process of government and politics. "Focus is upon political and governmental processes within which institutions operate."
JL651995.W55 1995

Canadian Political Debates: Opposing Views on Issues that Divide Canadians
Provides opposing points of view on a number of topics that affect Canada. Topics include: aboriginal self-government; the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; provincial powers; Quebec sovereignty; institutional reform; social democracy in Canada; free trade with the United States; official bilingualism.
FC630.D85 1994

Charter of Rights and Freedoms : A Guide for Canadians
Provides a guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that helps Canadians understand the "Charter" and how it affects their lives.
REF: KE4381.C53 1987

Commonwealth Yearbook
Provides comprehensive information on the Commonwealth, its organizations, and member countries. It is divided into three sections. Part 1 - provides background information on what the Commonwealth is, how it developed, and how it interacts with its members. Part 2 - provides a profile of each of the eighty Commonwealth countries and dependencies. Part 3 - provides a comprehensive listing of the Commonwealth organizations including their publications, their administrators, and their contact information.
REF: JN248.C6 1996

Constitutional Law of Canada
Provides an introduction to constitutional law in Canada. Divided into three parts: Part 1 - discusses basic concepts; Part 11 discusses the distribution of power; and Part 111 discusses civil liberties.
REF: KF4482.H63 2007

Documenting Canada: A History of Modern Canada in Documents
Provides coverage from 1867-1991. Documents are arranged chronologically, are reproduced in whole or in part, and are accompanied by an explanatory paragraph.
REF: FC18.D63 1992

E Conflict World Encyclopedia
Provides excellent coverage by individual country. Includes historical, political, economic, demographic, etc. information.

Glossary of Political Economy Terms
This is the online edition of "A Glossary of Political Economy Terms" by Dr. Paul M. Johnson of Auburn University. All the content was written by Dr. Johnson and is updated periodically.

Glossary of Terms for IR
Provides an alphabetical list of international relations terms and their definitions.

Language of Canadian Politics: A Guide to Important Terms and Concepts (3rd ed.)
"Provides basic facts about concepts, events, institutions, laws and public programs and includes explanations of some of the language peculiar to Canada's parliamentary and federal system, its political history, customs and mores." The 4th ed., 2006, is available as an e-book to the UPEI community.
REF: JA61.M33 2001

Nations Without States: A Historical Dictionary of Contemporary National Movements
Contains over 200 national surveys, short articles, highlighting the historical, political, social and economic evolution of the many stateless nations that are now emerging to claim a role in the post-Cold War order.
REF: D860.M56 1996

Oxford Companion to Politics of the World
Provides a comprehensive guide to international relations and national domestic politics of the world including lengthy signed articles on people, places and concepts. Many include bibliographies. Also available as an e-book to the UPEI community.
REF: JA61.O95 2001

Politics: Canada (8th ed.)
REF: JL11.P65 1995A

World Directory of Minorities: St. James International Reference
Provides coverage for the majority of the larger minorities of the world. It is divided according to region: North America; South and Central America; Western Europe and Scandinavia; Eastern Europe; USSR; Middle East and North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa; East Asia; South-East Asia and Oceania. References are provided for each area.
REF: JC311.W67 1989

USA and Canada
Provides a "guide to the political, economic and social structures" of the United States and Canada. Includes introductory historical and geographic information and essays on the political and administrative systems and the social issues.
REF: E38.U72 2004

Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations (6 Volumes)
Provides information on the United Nations and the countries of the world arranged by region. Volume 1 - United Nations; Volume 2 - Africa; Volume 3 - America; Volume 4 - Asia and Oceania; Volume 5 - Europe; Volume 6 - World Leaders. Volume 1 provides an overview of the UN system including its structure and constituent parts as well as UN related agencies. Volumes 2 - 5 provide an overview of each country including sections on history, government, political parties, local government, judicial systems, armed forces, and economy. Volume 6 provides "biographical profiles of the person who is the head of the nation's government and who bears primary responsibility for the country's policy". Also includes a bibliography.
REF: G63.W67 2001

Created by: Cathy Callaghan, B.A., M.L.S.
Date Created: 30-June-2000
Date Revised: 10-September-2013

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