Religious Studies

Finding Journal Articles: Religious Studies

One of the most common ways that scholars share their research is through academic journal articles (which are also called "scholarly journal articles," "peer-reviewed journal articles," and other similar terms).

For most topics, OneSearch is a good place to start. 

To find a specific article (for example, if it's on a reading list or you have a citation), put the title in "quotation marks" and search.

Finding Books: Religious Studies

The Library has introduced OneSearch as a single search option. Resources currently included in a OneSearch search are: the Library's catalogue (includes books, musical scores, audio recordings, etc.), all EBSCOhost products, all of the full text journals licensed from Elsevier/ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Sage, Wiley, Springer, ACS, IOP, BioOne, and ProjectMuse, many of the specialty historical full text databases (Alexander Street Press), and millions of index-only article and book records from various sources.

Religious Studies