
Citing Sources: English

Citations allow researchers to give credit, to show their work, and to demonstrate that their claims are supported by evidence. You are expected to cite the sources of information you use in a paper or project, whether you quote a source directly or summarize what you learned from it.

Citations are an important part of academic integrity at UPEI. Visit the Academic Integrity Portal for more information and to access relevant policies and tutorials.

Finding Web Resources: English

African American Women in the Nineteenth Century
This is a digital collection of 42 published works by 19th-century black women writers published before 1920 and prepared by the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Each work is available as a full-text PDF, and the list can be browsed in full or by genre - fiction, poetry, biography, autobiography, and essay.   The site provides brief biographical information about each author and the era in which she wrote.

Reference Sources: English
Research Guides: English

Literary Research Guides

Credo Reference Guides

Literary Terms: English
Finding Journal Articles: English

The most current research on any academic topic is usually found in journal articles.

Step 1
Use indexes to find articles on a particular topic.                 

Article Databases are available through the Library's website for both on-campus and off-campus access. Off-campus users will be prompted for their UPEI username and password. Note that in addition to providing references to articles, some of the databases include the fulltext of articles.

Finding Books: English

Finding Books

Search for books (both print and electronic) and other materials about your subject using OneSearch.

The location and call numbers for print books are listed with each book. Ebooks will provide a link to an electronic version. For more information, see "Find Books & More."
