You'll want four pieces of information:
- the location, which is usually STACKS in the catalogue or "Stacks (Upper Floor)" in OneSearch. If you see something different, ask at the desk for assistance.
- the call number, which is a specific and unique address for the book
- the author, as books on the same subject are usually organized by author
- the title
You can write down or screenshot this information, or text it to yourself from OneSearch. Then, ask someone at the library service desk to show you where the book is, or use the information below to look for it yourself.
Where is the call number?
If you have found a print book in the Library catalogue, the call number is listed under the author's name and the item type. In the image below, the call number is Q180.A1B468. The letters, numbers, and decimal point are all important.

If you have found a print book in the OneSearch, the call number on the right of the section under the subject information. In the image below, the call number is SH331.C66 2022.

What does the call number mean?
The call number is the specific address of the book on the shelves.
It starts with a letter and number code related to the topic of the book. This code usually ends when you reach a decimal point and a letter.
Then, there are one or more codes that helps get the book into order based on its author, specific subject, and/or title.
Finally, the year of publication is sometimes included at the end of the call number. This can help you find the right edition or quickly identify newer books on a topic.
You don't need to know what these codes mean. You can just follow them to the correct shelf. You will get faster at this with practice!
- Contested Waters: The Struggle for Rights and Reconciliation in the Atlantic Fishery has the call number SH331.C66 2022. The first set of letters, SH, is the code for "aquaculture, fisheries, & angling." The first number, 331, is part of the section about fisheries. Once you've found the SH books and the number 331, the .C66 code helps you find this specific book. All books with .C would be together, and then you'd look for .C6, and then .C66. Other books about fisheries will be nearby.
- Girlfriend on Mars (a novel by Deborah Willis) has the call number PS8645.I4564G57 2023. The first set of letters, PS, is the code for American and Canadian literature. The first number, 8645, is part of the Canadian literature section. Once you've found the PS books and the number 8645 (which will be with the other 8000s), the .I4564 code helps you find all the books by Deborah Willis (which will be in alphabetical order with other W authors). Then, the G57 code helps you find this specific book.
- The Same, But Different: Hockey in Quebec has the call number GV848.4.C3S22 2005. The first set of letters, GV, is the code for "recreation & leisure." The first number, 848.4, is part of the ice hockey section. Once you've found the GV books and the number 848.4, the .C3 code helps you find books about Canadian hockey culture, and then the S22 code helps you find this specific book.