Library Systematic and Scoping Review Services for Faculty and Academic Staff

There are two different types of Librarian assistance available to faculty or academic staff researchers, Librarians as co-authors and librarians as consultants, which offer different levels of support. If you are a student looking for assistance, please visit the student review assistance page
To request librarian assistance with your review, please fill out the request form, and complete a draft study protocol and send it to

Librarian as Co-author

Time commitment: no time limit, but the Librarian would be listed as a co-author on the paper, timelines will be decided at the start of the project. 

Support Offered by the Librarian:

Assistance formulating a research question
Assistance in identifying relevant databases
Assistance in selecting a review management system
Check for published or in-process review on the same topic
Create a search strategy for review with research team
Translate search strategy into all selected databases
Run search in selected databases
Provide guidance on searching grey literature
Compile, prepare, and import search results into selected review management system
Write relevant parts of the methodology section of the paper
Review of final manuscript


Librarian as Consultant

Time commitment: max 10 hours (including preparation time) 

Types of support 

Advice or assistance formulating a research question
Guidance on checking for published or in-process review on the same topic
Guidance on creating a search strategy and translating a strategy into other databases
Providing guidance on organization of results/sources
Providing resources for guidance on the systematic review process. 

How to get assistance from a Librarian: 

It is suggested that if you are unfamiliar with knowledge syntheses that you complete the free asynchronous course Johns Hopkins Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis before contacting your Librarian
Please fill out a request form, and complete the draft study protocol and send it to
Please note that assistance on systematic and scoping reviews is done on a first-come-first-served basis and is dependant on librarian availability. 
Not specified