religious studies

Citing Sources: Religious Studies

Any time you are using information from other sources (including articles, books, and websites), you must include a citation. A citation acknowledges the author(s) you learned from and gives the reader information about where to find their work.

Finding Web Resources: Religious Studies

The quality of information found on the Internet varies widely. It is important to choose sites that are scholarly and current. To locate authoritative sites look for those created by professional organizations, academic institutions, research agencies, and government departments. For help in using search tools and in evaluating information found on the Web, see Finding Quality Web Information.

Finding Information About People: Religious Studies

Information about people can be found in books, journals, and websites. To see what information is available, try searching for the person's name in OneSearch. You may want to put their name in quotation marks ("Thomas Aquinas" or "Brigham Young"); if you are searching for books, you may also want to try searching with their surname first ("Aquinas, Thomas" or "Young, Brigham").

Finding Journal Articles: Religious Studies

One of the most common ways that scholars share their research is through academic journal articles (which are also called "scholarly journal articles," "peer-reviewed journal articles," and other similar terms).

For most topics, OneSearch is a good place to start. 

To find a specific article (for example, if it's on a reading list or you have a citation), put the title in "quotation marks" and search.

Finding Books: Religious Studies

The Library has introduced OneSearch as a single search option. Resources currently included in a OneSearch search are: the Library's catalogue (includes books, musical scores, audio recordings, etc.), all EBSCOhost products, all of the full text journals licensed from Elsevier/ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Sage, Wiley, Springer, ACS, IOP, BioOne, and ProjectMuse, many of the specialty historical full text databases (Alexander Street Press), and millions of index-only article and book records from various sources.

Finding Background Information: Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Catholic Studies