Search topic help - Pregnancy/fetal/neonatal |
(pregnan* OR gestation* OR fertility OR fertile OR obstetric* OR reproduction OR (expectant* N2 mother*) OR "mother-to-be" OR "mothers-to-be" OR maternit* OR parturient* OR "before delivery" OR childbearing OR child-bearing OR gravidit* OR embryo* OR fetus* OR foetus* OR fetal* OR foetal* OR placenta* OR transplacenta* OR trans-placenta* OR utero* OR uterus* OR preterm OR pre-term OR prematur* OR birth OR births OR childbirth* OR child-birth* OR infant* OR newborn* OR new-born* OR neonate* OR baby OR babies OR parturition* OR parturient* OR stillbirth* OR still-birth*
Search topic help - disability |
(disabled OR disabilit*” OR "Architectural Accessibility” OR "Activities of Daily Living" OR "Communicative Disorders" OR "paraplegia" OR "quadriplegia" OR "hearing disorders" OR "hearing impaired "
OR "deafness" OR "Hearing loss" OR "vision disorders" OR "blindness" OR “visually impaired" OR "assistive technology" OR “amputee*” OR “functional limitation*” OR (development* N3 disab*)
Search topic help - United States |
("united states" OR "north america*" OR Appalachia* OR "great lakes" OR "mid* atlantic state*" OR "mid* atlantic region*"
OR "midwest* state*" OR "midwest* us*" OR "great plains" OR "heartland" OR "new england" OR
"northeast* state*" OR "northeast* us*" OR "pacific northwest" OR "northwest* us*"
OR "northwest* state*" OR "pacific state*" OR "southeast* state*" " OR "southeast* region" OR
"southeast* us*" OR "southern state*" OR "southern us*" OR "southwest* state*"
Search topic help - Hispanic/LatinX |
(hispanic* OR hispano* OR latine* OR latina* OR latinu* OR latino* OR latinx* OR “latin american*” OR “spanish
speak*” OR cuban* OR peruvian* OR dominican* OR brazilian* OR “central american*” OR “costa rican*” OR guatemalan* OR
honduran* OR uruguayan* OR argentin* OR panamanian* OR salvadoran* OR
salvadorean* OR salvadorian* OR nicaraguan* OR “south american*” OR bolivian* OR chilean* OR colombian* OR ecuadorian* OR paraguay* OR
Search topic help - family relationships |
"two parent*" OR "intact famil*" OR "nuclear famil*" OR "broken famil*" OR "single parent" OR "single-mother" OR "family relation*" OR SU "family conflict" OR SU "family stability" OR SU "parent-child relationships" OR SU "father-child relationship" OR SU "mother-child relationship" OR SU "parent-teenager relationships" OR SU "parental acceptance" OR SU "parental deprivation" OR SU "parental influences" OR SU "parental overprotection" OR SU "parental rejection" OR siblings OR brothers OR sisters
Search topic help - peers, friendships, bullying |
SU friend* OR SU peer* OR SU "social relation*" OR "social capital" OR "peer relation*"
bully* OR cyberbully* OR "relational aggression"
Consider also:
"social loneliness" OR "social avoidance"
Search topic help - Internet/Social Media |
online OR internet OR twitter OR facebook OR "social media" OR "tiktok" OR instagram
Search topic help - elderly |
elderly OR aged OR geriatric OR "aging adult" OR "older patients" OR "older people" OR SU aging OR SU "older adults" OR SU "gerontol*"
Also consider instead using the built-in age limiter features in:
Search topic help - gender roles |
"gender role*" OR "sex role*" OR "gender stereotype*" OR "gender norm*" OR "sex factors" OR feminin* OR masculin*
For limiting articles to research just about males or females, also consider using the special limiters available for this purpose in:
Search topic help - racial, minorities, multicultural |
Note: "visible minority" is a term specific to Canada
"visible minorities" OR "visible minority" OR SU race OR racial* OR "ethno-racial" OR SU minorit* OR ethnic*
Specifically multicultural/multi-ethnic:
multicultural* OR "multi-cultural" OR OR pluralis* OR ethnocultural OR polyethnic* OR "vertical mosaic"
Specifically white people:
"white privilege" OR whiteness OR (racial identity N3 whites)
Also consider:
racism OR discrimination OR bias OR stereotypes
Search topic help - Canada |
For EBSCO databases including OneSearch: SU (canad* OR ontario OR ottawa OR "british columbia" OR alberta OR quebec OR saskatchewan OR manitoba OR toronto OR vancouver OR "nova scotia" OR "new brunswick" OR "prince edward island" OR newfoundland) OR TI (canad* OR ontario OR ottawa OR "british columbia" OR alberta OR quebec OR saskatchewan OR manitoba OR toronto OR vancouver OR "nova scotia" OR "new brunswick" OR "prince edward island" OR newfoundland)
Search topic help - children, youth, and adolescents |
child* OR minors OR juvenile* OR youth OR adolescen* OR teen*
But also consider instead using the age limiter functions built into the following databases:
Search topic help - sexual assault |
( "sexual assault" OR rape OR "sexual violence" OR "sexual abuse" )
often combined with these concepts:
SU "sexual abuse prevention" OR survivor* OR SU program*) OR empower* OR "posttraumatic growth" OR "post-traumatic growth"
Search topic help - higher education |
"higher education" OR college* OR universit* OR postsecondary
also consider:
student* N2 undergrad*
student* N2 graduate
"early adult*"
"young adult*"
Search topic help - treatment (psychological) |
This is for psychological treatment, not pharmacological/medical (drugs) although some of these terms would also apply to that topic:
intervention OR treatment OR prevention OR rehabilitation OR counseling OR therap* OR program*
Search topic help - domestic violence |
"domestic violence" OR "intimate partner violence" OR "spouse abuse" OR "partner abuse" OR "wife abuse"
Search topic help - intergenerational issues |
crossgeneration* OR transgeneration* OR trans-generation* OR intergeneration* OR inter-generation*
Search topic help - mental health and illness |
"mental health" OR mental* N3 ill* OR "mental disorder*" or wellbeing
Search topic help - Trauma |
trauma* OR PTSD OR Post-Traumatic OR "post traumatic" OR posttraumatic
Topic search help - addiction and substance abuse |
Short versions:
EBSCO products including OneSearch:
((alcohol* N3 abuse) OR (drug* N3 abuse) OR "substance abuse" OR (drug* N3 addiction) OR (substance* N3 addiction) OR "substance dependence" OR "substance misuse" OR (substance N3 disorder*) OR (alcohol* N3 disorder*))
Proquest products including CBCA:
((alcohol* N/3 abuse) OR (drug* N/3 abuse) OR "substance abuse" OR (drug* N/3 addiction) OR (substance* N/3 addiction) OR "substance dependence" OR "substance misuse" OR (substance N/3 disorder*) OR (alcohol* N/3 disorder*))
Search topic help for common concepts |
Some research topics need a bit of vocabulary logic to find sufficient books and articles. Canned pieces of searches for specific components are often called "search hedges" or "search filters". These recommendations can be used in combination with whatever other concepts your topic requires. All are provided in the syntax appropriate for EBSCOhost and OneSearch searches unless otherwise noted.
Search tips for Transgender topics |
The following links have embedded in them search logic to include the wide variety of vocabulary terms relating to transgender/gender identity issues, structured appropriately for each database:
Indigenous Resources For Sociology/Anthropology |
Research about Canada's indigenous peoples spans several academic disciplines, including sociology/anthropology, Canadian history and politics, health, and religious studies, as well as PEI local research tools.
Fall 2022 update: we now have a proper separate Indigenous Studies guide in support of the new Faculty and courses in that field. In addition to the advice below, please check that out for the latest updates and new research tools in this area.
How to Choose a Search Tool (Database) |
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