OWL Purdue - A massive resource for learning to cite in various styles, covering any type of source you can think of.
RefWorks - Use RefWorks to store, organize, insert, and format citations for research papers. RefWorks is free for UPEI students, staff, and faculty, but only using the link on the library website.
Zotero - A downloadable tool that allows you to easily find and collect sources and keep track of their information.
ZoteroBib - A free service which quickly generates citations from sources in any style.
Plagiarism Tutorials and Quizzes from UTS - On the University of Technology Sydney website, there are helpful faculty-specific tutorials and quizzes to learn about proper citing and practice.
EasyBib Grammar & Plagiarism Infographic - This flowchart is a simple tool for understanding if you have plagiarized or not. For more information try EasyBib Grammar & Plagiarism.
How to Recognize Plagiarism from IU - This tutorial on the Indiana University website will help you develop skills to combat plagiarism through mini-lessons and videos.
Tools for Plagiarism Detection - These links on the library website can be used to check for plagiarism in your text.