veterinary medicine

Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine (EBVM)

What is Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine (EBVM)?

The Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association, describes EBVM as, "the formal strategy to integrate the best research evidence available combined with clinical expertise as well as the unique needs or wishes of each client in clinical practice." ("What is EBVM?", EBVMA, 2024)  While using the best evidence available might seem obvious, EBVM is about having ways to easier find, navigate, and analyze the information out there.

Citing Sources: Veterinary Medicine

When information is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, the source of that information must be documented and acknowledged.

Various standards have been created for citing sources in different disciplines such as AMA (American Medical Association) and CSE (Council of Science Editors). Please note that standards for citing electronic information are still evolving, and many print and electronic style guides may appear to be inconsistent in their instructions.

Web Resources: Veterinary Medicine

There are many web resources relating to Veterinary Medicine. To locate authoritative sites look for those created by professional organizations, academic institutions, research agencies, or government departments.

Journal Articles: Veterinary Medicine

The most current research on any academic topic is usually found in journal articles. Indexes and databases pertinent to Veterinary Medicine include:

Books and eBooks: Veterinary Medicine

Find Books

To find books or video materials on a particular topic, begin with a keyword search in OneSearch and use the "Source Type" limiter under the search box to find Books, eBooks, and/or Videos as needed. 

You need to select both "Books" and "eBooks"--some of our ebooks are "eBooks" and some of our ebooks are "Books."

Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks: Veterinary Medicine

When you are doing research on a topic, you will often require a quick definition of a term, a specific fact, or condensed, detailed information about particular topics. Reference books and tools like dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and manuals can be useful in those instances. Here are some of the reference tools we have:

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Veterinary Medicine

Welcome to the veterinary medicine subject guide. Here you will find sources for reliable veterinary medicine information in a variety of formats. Check the links below.