
Citing Sources - APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, CSE

Basic information with useful links about citing sources in MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, and other styles.

Citing Kindles (MLA, APA, Chicago)

Examples of how to cite Kindles in APA, MLA, and Chicago style

Article Citation, Parts of, How To Identify

Identifying parts of an article citation

Google Scholar

Access Google Scholar through the library website for full text articles

Cited Reference Searching

Cited Reference Searching is a tool to track how a given work is cited by other works (journal articles, books, websites, etc.)

Citing Sources

Avoid plagiarism by learning to cite sources properly, take the tutorial and quiz

Citation Guides: Government Documents

A link on how to cite Statistics Canada government publications

Zotero & Mendeley

Zotero and Mendeley are free tools to help you manage bibliographies. If you’re looking for alternatives to Refworks, you can give them a try. Please note that Robertson Library currently offers minimum support for Zotero and Mendeley.