Finding Journals: Philosophy

Finding Journals

  • OneSearch as a single search option which searches  the Library's catalogue (includes books, musical scores, audio recordings, etc.), all EBSCOhost products, all of the full text journals licensed from Elsevier/ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Sage, Wiley, Springer, ACS, IOP, BioOne, and ProjectMuse, many of the specialty historical full text databases (Alexander Street Press), and millions of index-only article and book records from various sources.
  • If you don't find what you are looking for in OneSearch, then try searching for the item in a specific database. Some recommended databases for Philosophy are listed below.
Title Description
Academic Search Complete A multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 8,500 periodicals, including full text for over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy

Religion & Philosophy Collection features a selection of more than 200 magazines and academic journals--everything from Anglican Journal to Zygon--covering religion and the related areas of philosophy and anthropology. Researchers can use this database not only to study theological approaches to social issues, but also to learn about the impact that religion has had on culture throughout history, including literature, arts, and language. Coverage, which includes more than 1.1 million articles updated daily, begins as early as 1980 for indexing and 1983 for periodical full text.

(Description provided by the database publisher, Gale/Cengage)

InteLex Past Masters Past Masters contains 117 fulltext humanities databases, both in the original language and in English translation.

Provides access to archival issues of over 4,500 scholarly journals across most academic disciplines. Includes primary source materials.

The collections are the following: Arts & Sciences I to XV, Business IV, Hebrew Journals, Ireland, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Public Health, Security Studies, Sustainability, Global Plants, Struggles for Freedom in Southern Africa, World Heritage Sites: Africa, and 19th Century British Pamphlets.

JSTOR also now includes over a half-million images from the ArtStor  "public collection", described as "images, videos, documents, and audio files from museums, archives, libraries, and faculty collections". Eventually all 1.3 million images currently accessible on the ArtStor platform will also be on the JSTOR platform.

Authentication note: If you create your own personal account within the UPEI institutional account, you can access everything UPEI has licensed by logging into that account directly from on or off campus without going through our proxy server. That is good for 365 days and can be easily renewed.

Faculty: If you want an entire class to have their own accounts, you can provide with a list of student email addresses, and we can upload them all in a batch - students will get email invites that they need to accept, but it makes the process much easier, if you want to use the collaborative research tools in the "JSTOR Workspace".

Military & Government Collection Provides full text for over 320 military related periodicals and general interest magazines.
Oxford Academic

Oxford journals (about 240) and ebooks purchased from Oxford. This does NOT include the Oxford English Dictionary which is on its own platform.


[Description below provided by the database producer]

What is PhilPapers?

PhilPapers is an online research hub in philosophy that combines the following four services:

  • A publication index of philosophy journal articles, book reviews, books, and book chapters in all languages.
  • An open access aggregator that indexes open access philosophical content found on over one thousand open access archives and three thousand personal pages maintained by professional philosophers.
  • An open access archive that hosts the largest collection of open access philosophical material on the Internet (OAI-PMH handler here).
  • A structured bibliography comprising nearly five thousand subcategories covering all subjects in philosophy.

PhilPapers allows philosophers to search, browse, and monitor the above content seamlessly through a unified interface.

The contents of PhilPapers' indexes and bibliographies are maintained by thousands of academics who volunteer their time. Over four hundred academics are officially appointed as Category Editors.

Project MUSE Includes the full text of over 320 scholarly journals in the Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences fields.
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