Administration, Outreach, and Access Services (Unit)

Administration & Outreach

Administration supports the University Librarian who has overall responsibility for the Library’s budget, human resources, facilities, and the operation of all its units, along with the University’s Central Printing office. Outreach is supported by the University Librarian’s office and seeks to contribute to the student experience at UPEI through a variety of activities, to communicate with the community through social media and other methods, to maintain and develop partnerships and collaborations, and to connect with existing and potential donors.

Access Services

Access Services is often the first point of contact for library users, and the team is committed to making collections accessible and providing excellent customer service to all users.

Access Services staff assist library users with locating and using library materials, services, and technology; provide information/reference service in-person, by telephone, and online via the Library’s virtual chat service, carry out circulation functions for materials that the library loans, manage the library’s reserve materials, shelve and reshelve of materials, stack maintenance, facilitate room bookings, track transactions and collate statistics, conduct tours, engage in library-related projects, supervise student assistants, and many are cross-trained to support other unit activities in the library.


Donald Moses, University Librarian
Voice 902-566-0460

Alysha Aitken, Administrative Assistant
Voice 902-566-0343
FAX 902-628-4305

Eun-Mee Yang
Central Printing Office
Voice 902-566-0558
FAX 902-628-4305

Sarah Fisher, Library Technician/Access Services Coordinator
Voice 902-566-0931

Shawne Holcomb, Library Technician
Voice 902-566-0477

Spencer Merz-Wood, Library Technician
Voice 902-566-6494

Stacey Meenink, Library Technician (Access Services and Scholarly Communications & Resource Sharing)
Voice 902-566-0697 

Sarah Leyenaar, Part Time Library Technician
Voice 902-566-0583

Not specified