Finding Books: Island Studies

To find books (print or e-books) about your subject, use the "Books" tab on the main Library homepage (further tips on the UPEI Library's book searching options are available here).

Please note that while all books/materials purchased for the UPEI Library from the dedicated Island Studies collection fund can be found using a keyword search for "Island Studies Program Collection" (this will retrieve approx. 1,100 items as of Fall 2023), you should not confine your searches to this collection. Considering the highly interdisciplinary nature of Island Studies, it is quite possible that relevant items may have been purchased from other parts of the Library's budget, and so would not be found by a search limited to Island Studies: be prepared to supplement your searches with keywords, subject terms, etc. as suggested below.

Examples of subject headings to check:

Islands of the Atlantic
States -- Small

Also, names of specific islands, such as:

Faroe Islands
Puerto Rico


Many headings are used with subdivisions, either for a particular geographical area, such as:

Economic development -- Prince Edward Island
Tourism -- Pacific Area

or for a particular topic, such as:

Islands -- Economic conditions
Islands of the Pacific -- History


Finding Previous UPEI MA(IS) Theses

The UPEI MA (Island Studies) program maintains a listing of all theses completed by program graduates to date (2006 - 2021), including links to the full text of the theses in the Library's repository for UPEI institutional research, 

Created by: Betty Jeffery, B.A., M.L.S.
Former Instructional Services Coordinator
Date Created: 09-December-2003
Date Revised: 11-September-2023 (Simon Lloyd, Island Studies Liaison Librarian)

Not specified