OER Development Program: Grants


Call for Applications (Closed)

The OER Development Program application call for 24-25 is closed. 

Date of application form opening: November 5, 2024. 

Date of closing: January 31, 2025

Questions? Contact the Teaching & Learning Centre at TLC@upei.ca.

The Open Educational Resource (OER) Development Program provides funds for the creation, adaptation, adoption, and review of open education resources through 3 types of grants:

  •  Open Educational Resource or Textbook Grant: up to $7000 (increased for 2024!)
    • This grant supports the development of a new open educational resource or textbook on a topic that is currently not covered by an existing open textbook. Works with major adaptations (such as adding a large amount of new content to an existing resource, or compilation of existing resources, or having to overall an adaptation) can fall under this grant category.
  • Open Textbook Adaptation Grant: up to $4,500 (increased for 2024!)
    • the adaptation of one or more open educational resources or textbooks to create a new version or edition of an open textbook (i.e. a Canadian edition of an existing open textbook);
  • Supplementary Resources Grant: up to $2,500 (increased for 2024!)
    • This grant supports the creation of ancillary materials for existing open textbooks, including, but not limited to test banks, slide decks, or interactive media, etc. for an open textbook or other open education resource. This grant could also include bringing a Public Domain book (not previously available on an open platform) onto the pressbooks platform with the inclusion of ancillary materals like an introduction, annotation, h5p activities, or more.

Applications that support first-year courses will be given priority as they reach the largest number of students, but all applications will be reviewed and considered. 

Application & Forms


  • Anyone providing instruction in a credit bearing course at UPEI may apply.
    • Team members may be from multiple institutions, but at least one team member must be a UPEI instructor at any level. 
  • Applicants may apply as an individual or jointly as a course team.
  • Applicants who are not tenured or on probationary contracts are eligible as sole applicants for grants that are proposed for completion during their current period of employment, and are eligible to be part of team grants where at least one member of the team holds a contract that at least meets the duration of the project.


  • Agreement to release the final product, including source materials, with a Creative Commons license (CC-BY would be preferred which lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation).
    • Indigenous authors or works using Indigenous content can request an exemption from this agreement.
  • A commitment to use the product in a credit-bearing course to be offered at UPEI.
  • Follow best practices for accessibility of content by a diverse student population.
  • Submit a final report after completion of the grant (form provided above).

Selection Process

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • The extent to which applicants include curation and customization of open textbooks that will be freely and openly shared throughout and beyond UPEI;
  • Their potential impact on student experience in the form of high-quality materials, maximum access, open and innovative pedagogy, and cost savings to students;
  • Projects that impact the most students, either with larger class size or multiple sections. The intent of the program is to distribute funds to maximize direct benefit to a wide range of student learners and inquiry across a diversity of disciplines;
  • The inclusion of plans to re-use open educational resources in courses in subsequent semesters;
  • Description of how you will measure success (e.g. improved access to curriculum, new partnerships, number of adoptions, estimate of money saved by students as a result, etc.);
  • Development of a coherent project plan and timeline; and
  • Accessible in the Library’s Pressbook site or on another open platform. 

What types of content can be created as an OER?

There are a variety of resources that could be a successful OER. Some examples include:

  • Textbooks
  • Lab manuals
  • Other course materials (slides, h5p, videos, etc)

What might the grant be used for?

Grants could be used for:

  • Hiring a student to help assemble, write, and/or copy-edit an OER
  • Purchasing a tool/software needed to help develop content
  • Image or video creation
  • An honouraria for elders or knowledge keepers
  • Lab consumables needed for image or video creation
  • Funding professional development around creating an OER

This is not an exhaustive list of uses for the grant.

Past Grant Recipients and Projects

Some open textbooks are available on UPEI's Pressbooks platform. They can be viewed at https://pressbooks.library.upei.ca/catalog/.


  • 2024 Grant Recipients and Projects

    RecipientsGrant TypeProject Description StatusCourse
    Doris Googoo

    OER or Textbook Adaptation Grant

    Supplementary Resources Grant

    This project will convert an existing OER text, No’kmaq Village Mi’kmaw Language Project - Level 1 (CC-BY-SA-NC),  into a digital version of the text with updated words/expressions and include local examples of the Mi’kmaw language as it is used on Epekwitk. This grant will also support the creation of audio and video recordings featuring Mi’kmaq speakers and will include examples of the local vocabulary and sentence structure in a variety of forms (individual words, sentences, songs, stories) that will help support the text and language learning activities. In ProgressIKE 2010 - Mi'kmaq Language I
    H. Carolyn Peach BrownOER or Textbook Adaptation Grant The overall goal of this project is to adapt one or possibly more open educational resources or textbooks to create a new open textbook for use in ENV 1010. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the BES, it is sometimes hard to find a textbook that covers all of the topics that are integral to the introductory course of the degree. In ProgressENV 1010- Intro to Environmental Studies

    Margaret Augustine

    Lisa Chilton

    OER or Textbook Grant 

    Supplementary Resources Grant 

    Currently there is no textbook to teach the Mi’kmaq Foodways course and I aim to use my research material, knowledge of the Mi’kmaw culture and other material to create a textbook that can be used in my classes, in community and at other institutions of learning. There will be ten chapters in this book which will be openly available and each topic will address one important topic in the course. In ProgressIKE 2060 - Mi'kmaq Foodways
    David VarisOpen Educational Resource or Textbook GrantThe purpose of this Indigenous Teachings of Turtle Island OER is two-fold. First, it serves as a concise reader for students in conjunction with their IKE 1040 Moodle site. Second, the OER can serve as a ‘living record’ of the course itself. The author envisions this OER evolving accordingly to meet the needs of its users. This is the first edition if you will.In ProgressIKE 1040
    Erin ReidOpen Educational Resource or Textbook GrantCreation of a new OER and slides to support IKE 2110. This course provides an overview of Métis identity, culture, Language(s), history and governance. Métis ethnogenesis will be explored to build awareness that Métis does not simply mean, "mixed." Grounded in authentic teachings, students will be immersed in perspectives and understandings unique to Métis. In ProgressIKE 2110
  • 2022 Grant Recipients and Projects

    RecipientsGrant TypeProject Description StatusCourseAverage Enrolment per Semester

    Dr. Stacey MacKinnon

    Dr. Beth Archer-Kuhn
    Dr. Brenton Dickieson
    Dr. Phoenix Horrocks
    Dr. Carla Digiorgio

    Open Textbook GrantInquiry-Based Learning HandbookIn ProgressUPEI 1020 / PSYC 2420 / PSYC 1010  PSYC 1020565 Students
    Dr. Libby OsgoodCreate/Adapt Supplement ResourceEnhancement of Engineering Mechanics: StaticsCompletedFSDE 123080 Students
    Dr. Joel Ross & Ms. Heathyr FrancisOpen Textbook Adaptation GrantManual for generating figures, tables, and basic
    statistics for communicating biological research
    CompletedBIO 3310100 Students
    Dr. Bill Whelan & Dr. Lisa SteeleOpen Textbook Adaptation GrantOpen textbook for Physics coursesIn ProgressPhysics 1110 / 1120250 Students
  • 2020 Grant Recipients and Projects

    RecipientsGrant TypeProject Description StatusCourseAverage Enrolment per Semester
    Dr. Bill Montelpare, Dr. Emily Read, Dr. Krista Ritchie, Dr. Teri McComber & Dr. Alyson MaharCreate a new OER, $2900Applied Statistics in Healthcare Research:Theoretical concepts and computational methods using SAS applications and the WebulatorsCompletedNURS 636025 Students
    Dr. Andrew GodboutCreate new OER, $3500Competitive Programming: Start to FinishCompletedCS1920
    CS 2910
    CS 2920
    120 Students
    Dr. Dave Hickey & Dr. Richard Lemm
    Create new OER, $3500Cold Opens: Warm Up Exercises for the Creative Writing ClassroomCompletedIn Progress15 Students
    Dr. Joshua MacFadyen,  Dr. Jim Clifford, & Dr. Lisa ChiltonCreate new OER, $3500The Geospatial HumanitiesCompletedACLC 209025 Students
    Dr. Matthew Pauley

    Adapt an OER, $1000

    Adapt an OER, $1000

    Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: Canada

    Business Startup and Entrepreneurship: Canada



    BUS 3545 

    BUS 3710

    25 Students

    280 Students

    Dr. Christopher Power & Dr. Andrew GodboutCreate/Adapt Supplement/Ancillary Resource, $1000Lab BookCompletedCS 1910
    CS 1920
    380 Students
    Dr. Lisa Steele, Dr. Derek Lawther & Dr. Bill WhelanCreate/Adapt Supplement/Ancillary Resource, $1000online downloadable flashcards (slide decks) based on a physics open textbook.CompletedPhysics 1110/1120
    Physics 1210/1220
    250 Students
    Dr. Libby OsgoodAdapt an OER, $1000Engineering Mechanics: StaticsCompletedENGN 123075 Students