
How to Choose a Search Tool (Database)

If your paper/project is:

Small (5 pages and under), regardless of topic: use Academic Search Complete or OneSearch Lite

Search Tools (Databases)
Databases - Most Popular and Lists
Article Databases "How To"

"How To" guide for University 100 students and first time article database users.

Search the Guardian or Journal Pioneer using Eureka (formerly Newscan) (Tutorial)

Before you start searching Eureka we recommend reviewing the tips below. Basic search functionality in Eureka is intuitive, but some features of its interface are unusual.

News about Databases

Updates on trails of new Databases available at Robertson Library

Creating Persistent Links from UPEI Databases

Instructions on how to create Persistent links from UPEI databases

Alumni Premiere - Introduction

Information about Alumni Premiere and the services provided by the library.

University Island: Alumni & Community Users

Services and resources that are available to community and alumni users

News & Newspapers
News and Newspapers Prince Edward Island news
Canadian Government Information

Resources about the Canadian Government

Find Articles - Browse or Search by Citation

Browse article databases and newspapers or find articles by citations

Importing References from UPEI Databases

Learn how to import references from UPEI databases

Tours, Tutorials, & Quizzes

#database_tutorialsWatch tutorials and web tours to learn more about Robertson Library and its services