Sociology Anthropology 4310 Minority/Ethnic Groups and Canadian Multiculturalism (Fall 2024)

Materials Available from the Service Desk

Publication date: 1995.
  • Boyko, John,1957-
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

Publication date: 2011.
  • Satzewich, Vic,1961-
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

A study of minority and ethnic groups (native and immigrant) within Canadian "multicultural" society. The course also includes a review of Canada's immigration policies and their effects on Canada's multicultural landscape.
Course Instructor
Charles Adeyanju

Banting, Keith and Will Kymlicka.  2010. “Canadian Multiculturalism Global Anxieties and Local Debates.” British Journal of Canadian Studies 23 (1): 43-72.

Bauder, Harald. 2008 "Immigration Debate in Canada: How Newspapers Reported 1996-2004." International Migration & Intergration, Vol. 9 (3), 289-310.

Coloma, Roland. 2013. “ ‘Too Asian?’ On racism, paradox and ethno-nationalism.”  Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 34 (4): 579–598.

Denis, Jeffrey. 2015. “Contact Theory in a Small-Town Settler-Colonial Context: The Reproduction of Laissez-Faire Racism in Indigenous-White Canadian Relations.” American Sociologist, 80 (1): 218-242.

Fraser, Nancy. 1995. “From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of Justice in a ‘Post-Socialist Age.’” New Left Review, 212, 68-93.

Hawkins, Naoko. 2009. "Becoming a Model Minority: The Depiction of Japanese Canadians in the Globe and Mail, 1946-2000. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 41(1-2), 137-154.

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Henry, Frances. 2006. “A response to Hier and Walby’s Article: Competing analytical paradigms in the sociological study of racism in Canada.” Canadian Ethnic Studies, Vol. 38(2), 169-173.

Hier, Sean and Kevin Walby. 2006. “Competing Analytical Paradigms in the Sociological Study of Racism in Canada”, Canadian Ethnic Studies, 38(1), 83-104.

Hier, Sean and Joshua Greenberg. 2002. "Constructing a Discursive Crisis: Risk. Problematization and Illegal Chinese in Canada," Ethnic and Racial Studies, 25(3), 490-513.

Li, Peter. 1994. "Unneighborly Houses or Unwelcome Chinese: The Social Construction of Race in the battle over 'Monster Homes' in Vancouver, Canada." International Journal of Comparative Race & Ethnic Studies, Vol. 1 (1), 14-33.

Mensah, Joseph. 2021. “The Collective Cost of Anti-Black Racism: COVID-19 and the Boomerang Effect,” Antipode. 

Madibbo, Amal. 2020. “Reverse Inclusion: Black Francophones in the Interface between Anti-Black Racism and Linguicism,” Canadian Review of Sociology, vol. 57 (3), pp. 334-355.

Neverson, Nicole. 2014. "The Toronto Africetric Alternative School: Media, Blackness and Discourse of Multiculturalism and Critical Multiculturalism." International Journal of Communication 8: 1851-1871.

Park, Higin. 2010. "The Stranger that is Welcome : Female Foreign Students from Asia, the English Language Industry, and the Ambivalence of 'Asia Rising' in British Columbia," Canada, Gender, Place and Culture, Vol, 17 (3), 337-355.

Pottie-Sherman, Yolande and Rima Wilkes. 2013. "Good code bad code: Exploring the immigration-nation dialectic through media coverage of the Herouxville 'Code of Life' document." Migration Studies 1-23.

Radebe, Patrick. 2024. “Anti-Black racism in the Ontario Public School System: Problematizing the Labeling of Young Black Students as Troublemakers.” Journal of Black Studies, vol. 55 (6), pp. 513-532.…

Sakamoto, I., Okamoto, A., Mifune, J., Kuge, T., Sato-Atiyota, Y., Reeves, C. T., & Zhang, H. (2016). Social inclusion of Japanese Canadians: a view from Toronto. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 26(2–3), 102-119–119.

Satzewich, Vic. 2000. “Whiteness Limited: Racialization and the Social Construction of “Peripheral Europeans”, Histoire Sociale(Social History), 33 (66), 271-289.

Satzewich, Vic. 2014. "Canadian Visa Officers and the Social Construction of 'Real' Spousal Relationships." Canadian Review of Sociology 51 (1): 1-21.

Satzewich, Vic and Nikolaos Liodakis. 2013. (Chapter 6) "Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Quebec Interculturalism." in 'Race' & Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction, Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.