Faculty of IKERAS Library Textbooks

These textbooks are provided from the Library's Collection and may be older editions. The print textbooks are placed on Reserve for 2 hours and are located near the Service Desk. Ebooks may also be available, with links provided.

NOTE: The Library's edition may not be the same edition as required by your professor. Check the edition and ask your professor if older editions are acceptable in that course.

This list is being continually updated. If your syllabus contradicts this list, trust your syllabus.

IKE-1040 : Indigenous Teachings of Turtle Island

Indigenous Writes : a Guide to First Nations, Metis, & Inuit Issues in Canada by Chelsea Vowel

Library's available edition: ebook, copyright year: 2016

IKE-3066-1 : Introduction to Indigenous Research, E. Sudlovenick

Indigenous Writes : a Guide to First Nations, Metis, & Inuit Issues in Canada by Chelsea Vowel

Library's available edition: ebook, copyright year: 2016

IKE-3065 : Indigenous Health, Healing, & Wellness, D. Varis

Introduction to Determinants of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples' Health in Canada edited by Margo Greenwood, Sarah de Leeuw, Roberta Stout, Roseann Larstone, and Julie Sutherland

Library's available edition: ebook, copyright year: 2022