New OneSearch and EBSCOhost platforms

On the morning of August 19, Robertson Library switched to using the new platform provided by the EBSCO company for its discovery service, which we locally call "OneSearch", as well as for the individually licensed EBSCO databases ("EBSCOhost"). EBSCO refers to this new platform for both services as just "New UI".

The previous platform, now known as "Classic", will continue to be available for special uses while EBSCO continues to migrate some important features to the New UI over the next year.

Below are the relevant links:

New OneSearch - most users should be using this now

New EBSCOhost (all databases)


For those needing to access their old My EBSCOhost saved searches/records/alerts or other specialty features:

OneSearch Classic - will stay Classic after August 19

EBSCOhost Classic (all databases) - will stay Classic after August 19

The following are the individual databases in the New UI EBSCOhost starting Aug 19:

Academic Search Complete
America: History & Life
APA PsycArticles
ATLA with Serials
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples of North America
Business Source Complete
CAB Abstracts with Full Text
CINAHL with Full Text
EBSCO Ebook Collection
Econlit with Full Text
Education Research Complete
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
Exploring Race in Society
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Historical Abstracts
Iter Bibliography
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
MAS Ultra - School Edition
MathSciNet via EBSCOhost
Medline Ultimate
Military & Government Collection
MLA International Bibliography
Primary Search
Regional Business News and Newswires
Robertson Library Catalogue in EBSCO
SocIndex with Full Text
SPORTDiscus with Full Text
Women's Studies International