APA Academic Writer - free trial through March 28

The Library is running a free trial of the American Psyschological Association's subscription tool, Academic Writer,  from January 29 through March 28, 2024.

To provide feedback about this trial, please email librarian mbelvadi@upei.ca, Melissa Belvadi.

It includes the Publication Manual of the APA 7th edition (known as the APA style manual), and many tools to help students, including (description from APA's website):

In the Writing Center section:

  • Users can now create an annotated bibliography in the format specified in the Publication Manual (7th ed.) .
  • Paper templates help with paper formatting and more — Academic Writer guides students through the proper formatting of title pages, fonts, margins, and more with structured templates for the most common research paper types.
  • Collaboration between students and educators — Students can collaborate on group papers, and educators can monitor and comment on students’ progress.
  • Convenient tools for references and displaying results — A unique resource pane is pinned to the bottom of the writing space, providing easy access for citing sources and adding references, tables and figures, appendices, and footnotes.
  • Helpful Research Tools — Specially created tools assist students in developing, planning, and tracking their research.

    And in the References section:
  • Reference tagging allows users to create their own tags to organize their references. They can search by these tags, allowing them to find references more easily when writing a paper.
  • Academic Writer has been updated to include 47 new forms for reference types added to the Publication Manual (7th ed.) such as Instagram photos, infographics, recorded webinars, anthologies, and legal materials
  • Manage references — Enter and store references using an unrivaled set of customized forms for more than 120 reference types, all of which were created by APA experts for strict adherence to the seventh edition guidelines of APA Style.
  • An extensive library for reference verification  — Quickly search over 4 million preformatted references adapted from APA's PsycINFO ®  database. These references can be added directly to a paper’s reference list.