IKE 1040 Indigenous Teachings of Turtle Island

Materials Available from the Service Desk

Publication date:
  • Ruffo, Armand Garnet,editor.
  • Vermette, Katherena,1977-editor.
  • Moses, Daniel David,1952-editor.(CONS)74978
  • Goldie, Terry,editor.(CONS)112299
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

Publication date:
  • Paul, Daniel N.,author.
  • Palmater, Pamela D.(Pamela Doris),1970-writer of foreword.
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Reshelving)

Publication date: 2018
  • McFarlane, Peter.
  • Schabus, Nicole.

    Publication date:
    • Palmater, Pamela D.(Pamela Doris),1970-author.
    • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

    Publication date:
    • Frideres, James S.,1943-author.
    • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)
    • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

    Publication date:
    • Vowel, Chelsea,author.
    • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

    This course is an introduction to the various Nations on Turtle Island. It will be a combination of classroom and culturally-based learning. Anchored in L'nu (Mi'kmaq) knowledge, students will learn about ceremony, protocol, Elders and traditional teachers. In turn, these will help foster a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual understanding of Indigenous worldviews and ways of knowing. This course also introduces Canada's history of genocide and cultural assimilation imposed upon Indigenous Peoples. It will discuss why anyone living in Canada needs to know this history.

    Course Instructor
    IKE-1040 - IKERAS
    Battiste, M. (Ed.). (2017). "Visioning a Mi’kmaw humanities : indigenizing the academy. Cape Breton University Press. Title Page, Table of Content to page 28.
    Burnett, K., & Read, G. (2016). Aboriginal history : a reader (Second edition.). Oxford University Press. pp. 77-92.
    Fontaine, T. N. (2012). Broken Circle: The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools. Heritage House. pp. 11-37.
    Frideres, J.S..  (2020). Indigenous Peoples in the Twenty-First Century.  3rd Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

    Joseph, R. P. C. (2018). 21 things you may not know about the Indian Act : helping Canadians make reconciliation with Indigenous peoples a reality. Indigenous Relations Press. pp. 3-39.

    Linklater, R. (2014). Chapter 3: Indigenous perspectives on wellness and wholistic healing. In Decolonizing trauma work : indigenous stories and strategies. Fernwood Publishing. pp.74-100.

    McFarlane, Peter, and Nicole Schabus, eds. (2017). Whose Land Is It Anyway? A Manual for Decolonization. Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC. https://fpse.ca/decolonization-manual

    Palmater, P. D. (Pamela D. 1970-author. (2015). "1-7: Silent Wars: Government Control of Indigenous Identity". In Indigenous nationhood: empowering grassroots citizens. pp.43-51.

    Paul, D. N. (2000). We were not the savages. a Mi’kmaq perspective on the collision between European and native American civilizations. [electronic resource] : (New 21st-century ed.). Fernwood.

    Settee, P., & Shukla, S. (2020). Indigenous food systems : concepts, cases, and conversations (First edition.). Canadian Scholars. Chapter 3, pp. 39-56.

    Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). "Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada": https://ehprnh2mwo3.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Executive_Summary_English_Web.pdf

    Vowel, C. (2016) Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, Metis and Inuit Issues in Canada. Winnipeg, MB: Highwater Press.