Nursing 1030 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice LRC (Winter 2025)

Materials Available from the Service Desk

Publication date:
  • Balzer-Riley, Julia
  • RESERVES-DAILY (Available)

Publication date:
  • Astle, Barbara J.editor.
  • Duggleby, Wendyeditor.
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

Nursing 1030 examines fundamental principles and skills for nursing practice.  Students are introduced to Primary Health Care and to the Prince Edward Island Conceptual Model of Nursing:  A Nursing Perspective of Primary Health Care.  Through this theoretical framework, nursing concepts are explored and strategies for nursing care considered.  Students are introduced to beginning communication, assessment, and psychomotor skills through active participation in online and onsite lectures, lab and clinical seminar settings.  Students have an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to clinical practice by partnering with healthy older adults living independently in the community and in long term care settings.

Course Instructor
Maureen Mac Innis-Wheatley

January 9:

AMNF Federal Education Team (2019). Aseptic Technique Tutorial (ANTT)Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, 26(7), 24-26.

January 10:

Elliott, M. & Baird, J. (2019). Pulse oximetry and the enduring neglect of respiratory rate assessment: a commentary on patient surveillance. British Journal of Nursing, 28(19), 1156-1159.

Health Canada (2003). Canadian guidelines for body weight classification in adults. Ottawa, ON: Author. pp. 6-17. Please note:The Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults has been Archived by the Government of Canada and the link to the technical report no longer exists. The link provided here is not to the Government of Canada's site and may not be available in the future.

CMAJ (2020). Obesity in adults: a clinical practice guideline. CMAJ, 192(31), E875-E891

January 16:

Todd, B. (2018). Multi-resistance organisms and contact precautions: Most nurses know when to start precautions, but for how long should they continue? American Journal of Nursing, 118(8), 67-69. 

Plavskin, A. (2019). Fighting antimicrobial resistance with genetics and genomics. MEDSURG Nursing, 28(5), 297-302. 

January 24:

RNAO Clinical Best Practice Guidelines. Ostomy Care and Management:

Pp. 31 Table 9-1: Definitions of Common Stomal and Peristomal Complications.

Pp. 81-83 Appendix G: Sample Assessment Form.

Pp. 88 and 90-91 Appendix I: Nutritional Management Tips in Ostomy Care.

Pp. 94-95 Appendix J: Ostomy Teaching Flow Sheets (Fecal Stomas).

Pp. 102 Appendix M: Sample Ostomy Care Form. 

February 14:

MacDonald, Pagana, Pagana & Pagana (2024). Guidelines for proper test preparation and performance. Start at “Routine Practices” pp. 5-12. Microscopic Examinations (* Gram Stain). pp. 667-669

Sputum, Nose & Throat Specimens & Common Testing    
Sputum Culture and sensitivity, Sputum for C & S, Sputum Culture and Gram Stain. pp. 737-740

Throat(oropharyngeal), Nose & Nasopharyngeal Cultures. pp. 740-743.    
Coronavirus Testing (SAR, MERS, COVID-19). pp. 691-692.    
Wound and soft tissue culture and sensitivity (C & S), pp. 759-760

Urine Specimens & Common Testing     
Urine studies. pp. 897-903.    
Urinalysis. pp. 953-968.    
Urine culture and sensitivities (C & S). pp. 970-972.

Stool Specimens & Common Testing    
Stool Cancer Screening (Stool for Occult Blood, Stool for OB, Fecal Occult Blood Test [FOBT], Fecal Immunochemical Test [FIT], DNA Stool Sample, Colon Cancer Screening), pp. 842-845.  

Stool Culture (Stool for Culture and Sensitivity [Stool C&S], Stool for Ova and Parasites [O&P]), pp. 846-848.

Hirst & Stares (2020). Delegation, Chapter 6, pp. 73-78. In Hussein &Osuji (2020). Brunner & Suddarth’s Canadian Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th edition. LWW: Philadelphia, PA.

Park. L.J. (2020). Using the SBAR handover tool, British Journal of Nursing, 29(14), 812-813.

Feb 27:

AMNF Federal Education Team (2019). Aseptic Technique Tutorial (ANTT)Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, 26(7), 24-26.

Thomas Hess, C. (2020). Checklist for factors affecting wound healingAdvances In Skin & Wound Care31(1), pp.54-55.

Feb 28:

Turner, S, J. (2023). Mulholland’s The Nurse, The Math, The Meds. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier 

Chapter 1 Math Review- pp. 6-12; 15-24. 

Chapter 3 Metric Units and Conversions

March 7:

Park. L.J. (2020). Using the SBAR handover tool, British Journal of Nursing, 29(14), 812-813.

March 13:

Kohr, R. et al (2025). Procedural Guideline 40.1 Applying gauze and elastic bandages, pp. 1155-1158; Procedural Guideline 40.2 Applying an abdominal binder, pp. 1158-1159. In Cobbett, Perry, Potter, Ostendorf & Laplante (2025). Canadian Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 2nd ed. Elsevier: Toronto, ON.

Kohr, R. et al (2025). Therapeutic use of heat and cold, pp. 1162-1181. In Cobbett, Perry, Potter, Ostendorf & Laplante (2025). Canadian Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 2nd ed. Elsevier: Toronto, ON.