Nursing 1020 LRC (Winter 2025)

Materials Available from the Service Desk

Publication date:
  • Astle, Barbara J.editor.
  • Duggleby, Wendyeditor.
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

Publication date:
  • Balzer-Riley, Julia
  • RESERVES-DAILY (Available)

Students are introduced to the theoretical concept of caring for clients within a primary health care context. Using primary health care as a framework, nursing concepts are explored and strategies for nursing care considered. Students begin to develop a conceptual framework to guide their nursing practice while working with clients in long term care settings. 

Course Instructor
Maureen Mac Innis-Wheatley

January 13, 14:

RNAO Clinical Best Practice Guidelines. Ostomy Care and Management:

Pp. 31 Table 9-1: Definitions of Common Stomal and Peristomal Complications.

Pp. 81-83 Appendix G: Sample Assessment Form.

Pp. 88 and 90-91 Appendix I: Nutritional Management Tips in Ostomy Care.

Pp. 94-95 Appendix J: Ostomy Teaching Flow Sheets (Fecal Stomas).

Pp. 102 Appendix M: Sample Ostomy Care Form. 

January 20, 21:

Turner, S, J. (2023). Mulholland’s The Nurse, The Math, The Meds. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Chapter 1 Math Review- pp. 6-12; 15-24. 

Chapter 3 Metric Units and Conversions

February 3, 4:

AMNF Federal Education Team (2019). Aseptic Technique Tutorial (ANTT), Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, 26(7), 24-26.

Thomas Hess, C. (2020). Checklist for successful wound healing outcomesAdvances In Skin & Wound Care31(1), pp.54-55.

March 10, 11:

Hirst & Stares (2020). Delegation, Chapter 6, pp. 73-78. In Hussein & Osuji (2020). Brunner & Suddarth’s Canadian Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th edition. LWW: Philadelphia, PA.

Park. L.J. (2020). Using the SBAR handover tool, British Journal of Nursing, 29(14), 812-813.