Nursing 3100X Integrated Clinical Experience LRC (July 15-August 15, 2024)

This course provides a consolidated clinical experience in which students can integrate theory and practice on a daily basis. Clinical experiences prepare students for the final year of study. Placements are arranged in a variety of settings with clients across the life span.

Course Instructor
Maureen MacInnis-Wheatley

Administration of Blood and Blood Products

Hussein & Osuji (2020). Transfusion, pp. 1683-1690. In Canadian Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Cobbett, S. (2024). Blood therapy, Chapter 30, pp. 860-877. In Canadian Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 2nd edition, Toronto, ON: Elsevier.

Hussein & Osuji (2020). Management of patients with immune deficiency disorders: Primary immune deficiencies, pp. 1533-1537. In Canadian Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Optional Reading: 

Delisle, L. (2018). Is this a blood transfusion reactions? Don't hesitate; Check it outJournal of Infusion Nursing, 41(1), 43-51.

Assessment & Monitoring of a Patient Receiving Procedural Sedation or Moderate Sedation/Analgesia

Cobbett, S. (2024). Diagnostic Procedures. *Skill 10.1 Intravenous moderate sedation. In Canadian Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 2nd edition. (pp. 275e1-275e8). Toronto, ON: Elsevier

Patrick, R. (2020). Capnography: Beyond the Operating Room and into Airway Management. RT: The Journal for Respiratory Care Practitioners, 33(1), 28-29.