Finding Books: Kinesiology

To find books on a particular topic, begin with a keyword search in OneSearch

OneSearch includes information about millions of books and ebooks, including those that Robertson Library owns or has temporary access to. Choose both "Books" and "eBooks" from the Source Type options when you search so that you don't also see articles, videos, and other items. (Even if you only want ebooks, choose both--many of our ebooks are labelled as "Books.")

Not sure how to find the book? The Ebooks vs. Print Books page has details about call numbers and full text links.

If you find information about a book in OneSearch but there's no call number, full text link, or "Check@UPEI" link, use Interlibrary Loan to request a copy from another library.

To find materials on a particular topic, begin with a keyword search then scan your results for relevant titles and look at the subject headings assigned to the individual titles. These subject links can then be used to search for similar items.

Created by: Donald Moses, MLIS
Revised: 2023-07-04

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