Useful tips to save money and get more readable printouts of PowerPoint slides:
- Use the File - Print options to print "handouts" instead of slides, and choose multiple slides per page (2, 3, 4, 6, or 9). Choosing 3 per page gives you the handout design that includes the lines next to each slide to take notes.
- Do a "Print Preview" to verify that the pages will print dark letters on light background. If there is a contrast problem, compare using Print Preview what it would look like if you use the Color setting (even with a black-and-white printer) versus the "grayscale" setting.
- If the PPT was converted to a PDF file with one slide per page, in the Print dialogue in the PDF, pulldown the "Page scaling" option list and select from the bottom of it the "Multiple pages per sheet" option to select options somewhat similar to the "2,3,4,6,9" per page options that you would have gotten in PowerPoint itself.
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