Start your search for book material by using the library catalogue.
You can browse the library catalogue by subject, for example:
RM216 | |
Food Allergy | RC596 |
Food History & Habits | GT2850 - GT2853 |
Food Industry | HD9000 - HD9490 |
Nutrition | QP141 - QP185 |
Food Processing | TP368 - TP660 |
Food Supply | TX341 - TX540 |
Food Chemistry | TX541 - TX546 |
Food Preservation | TX599 - TX635 |
Cookery | TX643 - TX840 |
Books (with the exception of those in Reference and Special Collections) are shelved by Library of Congress call number on the Upper Level. Microforms (microfilm and microfiche) are shelved in the Special Collections area on the Main Level. Audiovisual materials (videocassettes, audiocassettes, LPs, and CDs) are shelved in the Media Centre on the Main Level.
The Library also subscribes to a number of eBook collections that have relevant content, for example:
Created by: Donald Moses. B.A., M.L.I.S.
Liaison Librarian for Applied Human Sciences
Revised: September 1, 2014
Not specified