Background Information


Offers a comprehensive and authoritative look at the most important individuals, events, and topics in American Indian history. Includes in-depth coverage of tribes, notable leaders and events, customs, dress, dwellings, weapons, government, and religion.

American Indian Religious Traditions

Combining the work of Native Americans and non-Native scholars, this reference work explores indigenous North American religions, religious practices, and rituals.

Bibliography of Indigenous People of North America

An abstract index of over 141,000 citations for books, essays, journal articles and government documents from Canada and the United States from the sixteenth century to the present.

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

This four-volume atlas shares the experiences, perspectives, and histories of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. This project was inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action. Exploring themes of language, demographics, economy, environment and culture, with in-depth coverage of treaties and residential schools, these are stories of Canada's Indigenous Peoples, told in detailed maps and rich narratives.

Indigenous Peoples of North America

Digitized primary sources from indigenous nations and organizations from Canada and the United States.

Informit Indigenous Collection

Dedicated to content from and about Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, Pacific region and North America, with articles by researchers worldwide with Authoritative views, insights and voices from Indigenous individuals and groups.

Native peoples of the World: An Encyclopedia of Groups, Cultures, and Contemporary Issues 

Examines the world's indigenous peoples, their cultures, the countries in which they reside, and the issues that impact these groups. It highlights the complex relationships between native groups and the physical and social environments in which they live.

I-Portal: Indigenous Studies Portal

Launched in 2006 at the University of Saskatchewan as a tool for faculty, students, researchers, and members of the community to access digital Indigenous studies resources. Its primary focus is on Indigenous peoples of Canada with a secondary focus on Indigenous peoples of the United States, Australia, Aotearoa – New Zealand, and other areas of the world.


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