Exam Study Zones at Robertson Library
As you're studying for exams or completing final projects, Robertson Library has a workspace for you. We will be adjusting our study zones from December 6th through December 19th.
The entire upper floor, with two exceptions, will become a silent zone. Those who want silent study spaces can continue to use the sunroom, the upstairs study carrels, and the one-person study rooms (320-327 and 331-336). We ask that people using or travelling through the Stacks and the upstairs lobby observe silence during exams.
Those who are working on group projects or who prefer some background noise can use the upstairs reading room or any of the spaces on the main floor of the library. The group study rooms can be reserved by groups of 2-8 people. Since the group study rooms are not soundproof, those in the upstairs group study rooms are asked to be mindful of the silent zones nearby.